Just listen to each other

How difficult it is to learn the words in silent,
When one unable even listen them,
But anyway, you won't be so tired,
Because you've formerly known much of them.
   You don't know them because of only talent,
   You know them because of fact
   The whole our world consists of many tongues and
   Languages, and all of us can hear each of it.
And if you know well your native language,
It's no use to learn the foreign one,
You've learned it, must, before,
You must recall it, if memory don't help you any more.
   But memory's so important for people,
   This memory belongs to anyone,
   And each of us must all his life remember,
   That memory belongs to anyone.
It's memory of Earth, but not of people,
It's memory of our Universe,
And if one want to understand each people,
One needn't say much words, but only listen,
Listen not only own heart but also yours.
