Inner World

My inner world is black-and-white
With very seldom ray of light.
Admire this world,it's not like yours-
I've been behind forbidden doors...

My inner world forgot the light
Just darkness brought by suicide
I beg you: "Take my soul away!
And warm my heart with loving hands..."

Let's break a vessel with daylight
Become white angels in the sky.
We can create the Universe
Where we'll merge two our souls...

Unusual and refreshing.

Thank you.

Николай Старорусский   11.08.2013 14:05     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо Вам за прочтение, не каждый может оценить красоту другого языка, мне очень приятно.

Алексей Оксанич   11.08.2013 16:51   Заявить о нарушении