Из Эдгара Ли Мастерса - Эми Грин
Не "седой юнец с отчаяньем во взоре",
Но старик с гладкой кожей
И копною чёрных волос!
Сколько ни жил - имел я лицо мальчишки,
И долгие годы - душу согбенную и застывшую,
В мире, воспринимавшим меня как посмешище,
То бывавшим со мной фамильярным,
То наваливавшим на меня, как на мужчину.
И был я ни мужчиною, ни мальчишкой.
По правде же говоря, ни душа, ни тело мои
Никогда не взрослели, и так вам скажу я:
Цена вожделенной всеми юности вечной -
Лишь задержка в развитии.
Edgar Lee Masters (1868–1950). Spoon River Anthology. 1916.
188. Ami Green
NOT “a youth with hoary head and haggard eye,”
But an old man with a smooth skin
And black hair!
I had the face of a boy as long as I lived,
And for years a soul that was stiff and bent, 5
In a world which saw me just as a jest,
To be hailed familiarly when it chose,
And loaded up as a man when it chose,
Being neither man nor boy.
In truth it was soul as well as body 10
Which never matured, and I say to you
That the much-sought prize of eternal youth
Is just arrested growth.
Примечание: Мастерс приводит цитату из стихотворения П.Б.Шелли "DEATH"(третья строка):
They die—the dead return not—Misery
Sits near an open grave and calls them over,
A Youth with hoary hair and haggard eye—
They are the names of kindred, friend and lover,
Which he so feebly calls—they all are gone—
Fond wretch, all dead! those vacant names alone,
This most familiar scene, my pain—
These tombs—alone remain.
Misery, my sweetest friend—oh, weep no more!
Thou wilt not be consoled—I wonder not!
For I have seen thee from thy dwelling's door
Watch the calm sunset with them, and this spot
Was even as bright and calm, but transitory,
And now thy hopes are gone, thy hair is hoary;
This most familiar scene, my pain—
These tombs—alone remain.
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