Two seagulls and a tiny little dove...


Two seagulls fly above the Earth,
Two loving hearts defy the hurt.
They've seen how fragile, tiny dove
Fell lifeless just beneath the cliff above.

One seagull cried, the other laughed,
One lived in truth, the other — past.

One asked the other:
“What is sanity? ...
How many lives must we endure,
Before we face the weight of sorrow pure?
Before we know what to believe,
Before we die... before we grieve?”

And other seagull whispered in a hive:
“Imagine, someone you must trust betrays,
All of your dreams and hopes as full of greys,
Crashing ‘gainst the ancient, cold stone cliff!
What would you do, then, in the rift?”

And then the other seagull wept:
“I’d lose my mind, my fortune too,
I’d shatter into pieces, torn in two,
I’d cast myself from that immortal height,
I’d fall into eternal night,
I’d sleep forever in the doom,
And watch my spirit flying over to the moon…”

The other seagull softly gazed
At one now gone, forever laid,
And silently, it soared away.

The sky was dull, no tears to shed,
And outside, May’s warmth had fled.
The sun bled red, a cherry hue,
New road now bore a sorrow true.

Two bodies... buried in the ground,
One of the seagull, one where dove was found...

