I was raised in a strct Russian penticostal Church, and no tatu were allowed, when my oldest son turn 16 stoped going to church and cover him self with tatus it upset me to a point that I stoped worshipleading stop going to church, relapce after 10 years of sobriety, isolate, and got back to my drinking, felt like I fail been a father, if I didn't teach my son not to follow my exemple, and mistakes that I've made in my youth, drinking lead me to rejection by the church, divorce, loosing high paying job, house, cars, everything and leave me 450,000 of debt to deal with, so I went from having it all family, financial security, respect in church, to been jobless, homeless, till they luck me in mental health unit a year ago, and then rehab, now year later, I have nothing to my name, just cheap car to get to work and meetings and a lot of debt, my ex is happy in her new marriage, and my son the one that has all the tatu took me in his one bedroom apartmet after I was kicked out from a recovery house for not been able to find a job and pay rent, but I am happy to have what I've got, healthy grown children, job with 3 times less pay, that I just found a mounth ago and my recovery friends and family, all of you...
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