in gorges of my dream

it’s likely
I’ll fall short
of someone I am not
of something you might sneak on board
or tie in lover’s knot

so many
drifts to catch
in gorges of my dream
latch on to moments born in slatch
the lullaby for stream

today sounds
like a dirge
the echoes of new past
are wading in the surge of urge
so intimate at last

the time’s bought
for a song
it’s fribbled note by note
and losing right as well as wrong
the fluffs I used to dote

though bathing
in the stream
inhaling youth in whiffs
I grasp how’s gorgeous in my dream
are maybes doubts and ifs

how’s precious
every tress
when it belongs to drifts
where all adieus corral the past
and reefs show veins of riffs

in peace I
go alone
a dilly of a fight
the total worth of what I own
can fit in aiming sight

and I can
be at most
an angel or a beast
who grasps how’s chilly is the cross
with nails through heels and wrists

July 18, 2013

І знову без музики? Що за пісня?

Елена Каминская7   19.07.2013 14:26     Заявить о нарушении
Привіт Оленочко,
У цьому вірші дійсно закладена знайома мелодія, але текст мій - не переклад.
Цей текст написано під мелодію - "А в небе голубом горіт одна звезда ...", правда приспів - відсутній.
Дякую за уважність і відвідини,

Юрий Лазирко   19.07.2013 22:05   Заявить о нарушении