Bing Crosby
Bing Crosby – an outstanding American actor, singer, performer.
He was a jazz genre lover, interpreter, promoter and transformer.
Bing’s known for his baritone, a jazzy vocal style, lyrics’ phrasing.
His execution – heartfelt, emotional, distinctive, simply amazing.
Crosby connected to his audience on a deeper level and inspired.
He blended with his songs reaching people souls’, hearts’ desires.
Bing’s voice was rich, his style was simple, and looks – appealing.
His vocal and acting performances were breathtaking or thrilling.
Crosby’s repertoire included ballads, country, show and film music.
He had a gift of interpreting, making it sound easy, warm, soothing.
Crosby was versatile, persistent, affable, resilient, ambitious, clever.
He didn’t hesitate exploring any opportunity, acting upon endeavor.
May 3rd – birthday of Bing Crosby, an effortless entertainer or artist,
One of the most innovative, popular, vivacious, charming, smartest.
We recollect his contribution to music and film industry, our culture.
We always appreciate Bing Crosby’s talents and recognize his stature.
Copyright©2013 Mila Alper
* Photo is from the Internet
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