Give me hope!

These are your eyes! I can feel this your gaze!
I burn inside when so you look at me…
I know so looking man  that is in love,
So stop if in morning paper not want this see.
Love is a wonderful feeling, magic!
It's chemistry that causes desire!
It's physical attraction of later… (That not stop!)
To be happy you need to dare, right?
Some people hiding behind freedom brake up,
So they are cowards but not I am, no!
It sense cause an addictive in future -
What will you do? What? What? I would to know…

You write a song when you've privacy sometimes -
I like to think that maybe is for me…
Tell me what do you feel or still not time?
I'm ready to wait your song, give hope me!

Sometimes when you sleep I stole look at you,
I think at times I really thee don't know…
Maybe you would not risk follow desires?
But this gaze gives me hope when you watch so!
