A Sea Without A Shore...
His music tells it all...
He knows not, what's ahead,
He just knows his call...
To play and to delight,
To believe with all his might...
To share wisdom acquired,
To not show he's tired...
He's a forever wanderer,
Living for today...
Not caring what fate has in store,
He is a sea without a shore...
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Свидетельство о публикации №113070404293
Who is it about?
Евгений Шпунт 23.02.2015 20:40 Заявить о нарушении
-who is a free spirit...
-who is a forever wanderer...
-who believes in good over evil...
-who knows his calling in life...
-who puts others before himself...
-who never turns anyone away...
-who helps those in need...
-who heals with music...
-who does not resort to violence...
-who fights darkness til his last breath...
-who lives with everlasting hope...
"... И многих увлек его зов, как огонь маяка,
И те, кто ушли, никогда не жалели об этом:
Пусть жизнь их была, словно молнии блеск, коротка,
Они уходили с надеждой на близость рассвета.
Пускай менестрель никогда не увидел тот свет,
Он бился, как мог, чтобы тьма отступила от мира.
Поймите, какое же мужество нужно иметь,
Чтоб выпад меча отражать не кинжалом, а лирой!"
Симона Пекер 23.02.2015 23:46 Заявить о нарушении
You can still choose a lifeline: 50:50, phone a friend or ask the audience...
Симона Пекер 24.02.2015 04:48 Заявить о нарушении
Евгений Шпунт 24.02.2015 12:12 Заявить о нарушении
H e was a forever wanderer-
I t was his destiny call...
P eople followed him everywhere,
P rophet of God, he was called:
I nnocent face, hopeful heart,
E mpathy flowing within...
J esus believed in good over evil-
E ven when saw -deeds were ill...
S erving the needy, til his last breath,
U nconditionally loving all:
S tayed true to his call, until his death--
-- history tells it all...
Jesus loves you!
Симона Пекер 25.02.2015 04:48 Заявить о нарушении