If Lewis Carroll were my friend...

If Lewis Carroll
Were my friend,
I'd take him
to my Wonderland.

There'd be no Alice,
Nor a Queen.
Still, the Mad Hatter
With his spleen.

He'd tell us
How all things went wrong,
How nuts and bolts just don't belong.
How screws and cork and neck and wine,
They don't add up to make a rhyme.

How cows ate humans who gave milk,
How worms went mad
And ate all silk.

How gold got rusty,
Dust turned gold
Not even Carroll could have foretold.

Well, I shan't bother
With the ending.
To each their own -
My understanding.

You paint sky blue,
I paint mine red.
Now go get lost -
I paid my rent.

On a hot June day, 2013.

Вот был бы Кэрролл
мой кумир,
его б позвал я
в свой Чудный Мир.

В нём Королев нет
и нет Алис,
там Шляпник чокнут
и с ним каприз.

Да и золотце, как улыбка Чеширского кота, то ли оно есть, то ли нет его.

Гера Констан   08.12.2017 23:29     Заявить о нарушении
Забавно, спасибо.

Тим Волков   08.12.2017 23:42   Заявить о нарушении