Celestial gardener

Celestial gardener
is master of brilliant star,
He does his legation
distinctly, sincerely, stark.
He plants in the space
flowers and grains
in order to smaller to starve.

Celestial gardener
knows nothing about the moor,
He simply plants flowers and grains
on the top of the moon.
And furious wind
steals his seed
and goes to terrestrial pool.

The keeper of the heavenly gardens
has all for the being.
I open the window of home,
I climb up tree-nim...
Especial news:
gigantic sundews
are guarding the home of him...

* stark - здесь - строго, совершенно, абсолютно
* moor - здесь - болотистая, торфяная земля
* pool - здесь - омут, заводь
* sundew - росянка
