
Somewhere somehow someone has some
Unusual things which he had gathered once:

Some parts of soul, some gears of clock,
Some rain water from the steepest rocks,

Some feathers and some sea winds,
Some light of sun, some fallen leaves,

Some dusks and dawns in a pots,
Some songs of birds under his coat,

Some winter haze, some smells of grass,
Some evening chirping of cicadas,

Some flower wreaths, some fluffy clouds,
Some light of thoughts, some heavy doubts,

Some heat of fire, some beats of heart,
Some secret dreams, some broken ones,

Some pieces of a starry sky,
Some charm of moonlight, silent night,

Some lightning flashes in the ball,
Some delight from the thunderstorm,

Some sounds of surf in empty shell,
Some words, that he can ever tell.

P.S. Давным-давно он построил воздушный замок, заперся в нем в одиночку и так радовался этому, что не заметил как потерял ключ…
