Do you love or just want to be loved?

Previously published by me ( as all other my English poetry ) on other sites under the name princeAlexander / princealexander .

Do you love or just want to be loved ?

Is for you "to be loved" good enough ?

Should you settle your life just with that,

How it feels during times, spent in bed ?

If lovemaking just comes as technique,

Not requiring for both hearts to click,

If the skills are well tuned and adjusted, being tried,

Then before you are ready to fall into sleep, satisfied,

Do you dare to say: "I do too" to the guy ?

Does he know it is just a lie ?

Was he able sometimes to cut through

And reply with the pain: "It's not true!" ?
See Russian "white poetry" translation at
Also see my English poetry folder/section

Очень понравилось. Вы молодец. Смысл классный. Только в английском тексте слова "который прошепчет тебе: "Люблю" ?" - никак не отражены.
И Was he's able sometimes to cut through - зачем he's? - просто he.

Елена Тремасова   03.07.2013 22:29     Заявить о нарушении
Thanks much ;-)

Yes my English and Russian versions deviate just a bit ...
I was not sure that Russian readers will figure out to what the reply "I do to" relates to (while in English speaking world the exchange "Love you" - "I do too" is so common ... ) - so I explicitly introduced "Люблю" in the Russian version to make it clear.

Re your second comment - you are right, this error came (unnoticed by me) when I was changing this line (I guess i had it originally something like "He's able ...."
Will correct - thanks for noticing !
May be you will also like my "Ghost in the woods" ;-) ?


Принцалександр   03.07.2013 22:54   Заявить о нарушении