
Lately is fashionable to recommend us to be only with good people. You see this kind of suggestions in newspapers, books, zines, on internet, on TV. How unrealistic! it is like saying : don't approach mocquitoes, bed bugs, wasps... The approach us, and sometimes follow us no matter where we go.
The same can be said about earthquakes, storms, tornados, tsunami. Of course, we all want to stay away from them Alas. We can be victims of a terrorist attack no matter how much we stay away from wrong people.
There is another statement as annoying as the first one, which is constantly transferred from one media to another: size matters. It must be coming from an empty source, which doesn't have any essence, just the size. Of course, its sexual connotation is transparent and boring. If it would be true, lesbians wouldn't exist. They do exist and pretty happy without  measuring the size.
However, since everybody is tired of hearing this bad joke, now the propaganda has gone on to glamorize tall men. Allegedly, women are attracted to them the most. You know why? Because all women want to have tall offspring.
What about brains? Does size matter? Einstein, Lenin, Chaplin etc. weren't tall at all. Fortunately for women and men.   
