Cole Porter

June 9th - Cole Porter’s birthday.  In 2013 there is 122 years since he was born.

Cole Porter – a wonderful, gifted composer, lyricist and songwriter.
He was of vibrant, memorable, simple melodies creator and provider.
Cole’s songs distinguished by its structure, quality, emotions and flair.
He never stopped innovating in music, moved forward, he would dare.

Porter was skilled playing piano, violin in childhood and wrote operetta.
He had discovered music to be true passion, calling, as it had meant to.
Cole had appeared to be a natural entertainer, who pursued his dream.
His versatility, artistic freedom, vision and luxury made Porter supreme.

He was an enthusiastic and determined artist who earned recognition.
Cole in his music had exhibited taste, talent, sophistication, erudition.
His songs offered the audience hope, faith, joy, comfort, peace, vitality.
Porter exuded a kind heart, light spirit, gentle soul, unique individuality. 

June 9th - birthday of Cole Porter, standards’ setter of film, theater, pop.
A driving force in music of 20th century kept evolving, would never stop.
His songs’ wit, liveliness, exuberance are still remembered and outstand.
Porter remained his colleagues’ source of inspiration, his audience’s friend.

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
