Myrna Loy

August 2nd – Myrna Loy’s birthday.  In 2013 there is 108 years since she was born.

Myrna Loy started in silent films, moved to the talkies, making transition
That had been filled with boundless success, acclaim and/or recognition.
Loy was an actress of dramatic and comedic talent, skill and versatility.
In each of her characters she saw an opportunity to grow or possibility.

Myrna was charismatic, feminine, enthusiastic, passionate, sharp, witty.
She’s glamorous, gorgeous, elegant, stylish, gracious as Princess Nefertiti.
Loy demonstrated confidence, sophistication, artistry, exuberance, flair.
Whatever role she had portrayed, engaged in, she would fearlessly dare.

Loy was outspoken and opinionated promoting civil rights, racial equality.
She was distinguished by willpower, strength, determination, individuality.
Myrna had actively involved in the UN, UNESCO, making her contribution.
Conveying as alert, resilient, adaptable, she’s capable to find any solution.

August 2nd – birthday of Myrna Loy, the “Queen of Hollywood,” icon, star,
Who grew, evolved as person and professional each time raising the bar.
Her winning personality, gift, physical appeal, creative spirit and ambition
Had constituted Myrna’s legacy, as she fulfilled artistic calling and intuition.

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
