The Sunshine

The Sun have set over the cloud.
It is the best sign of the rain.
And if the birds're flying so high up,
It is the sign of the Sunshine.
   I'll believe the same the Sunset
   The same believe I birds high flights,
   Because they've explained us
   All of the weather's changing signs.
Would it be or not bad weather in the morning
Or might it be raining and wind,
But, anyway, we'll be happy in the evening
As Sunshine hasn't gone out indeed.
   It's because of the Sunshine
   That the Earth is forever,
   And the rain is the best sign
   Of the miracle ever.
It's because even then, you see,
Only after the rain,
We'll be warmed by the rainbow
In a cold weather's day.
   Only after the rain've passed,
   When the weather were bad, 
   To see rainbow-miracle
   We will be so glad.
Even if it's hidden by the clouds,
In the daytime's twilight even
Sunshine couldn't go out
As Sunlight for us forever.

