Judy Holliday

June 21st – Judy Holliday’s birthday.  In 2013 there is 92 years since he was born

Judy Holliday – Hollywood actress of great talent and fame.
She had exuded her own charm, individuality, flair or flame.
Judy won Golden Globe and Oscar for Born Yesterday movie.
She had continued refining skills, evolving, further improving.
Judy was capable transforming characters from state to state.
She could be serious one minute, or comic, funny with no wait.
Not only Holliday was versatile but virtuosic in her technical skill.
Judy’s emotionally expressive, not jeopardizing integrity, appeal.
Her own demeanor, gestures, mimics, movements, voice, face
The audience just felt in love with, wanting to absorb, embrace.
Holliday’s giggle, smile, enthusiasm, determination, musicality
Contributed to her unforgetful, distinct and vivid individuality.
Judy had reached her stardom on big screen, stage, television.
She was fulfilling her potentials, while having a creative vision.
Her musical, dramatic gifts, abilities became widely recognized.
The audience watching her great performances felt energized.
She was a gifted human being able to write songs’ lyrics, words.
Holliday always did her best, while outstanding from all herds.
Intelligent, devoted, driven, sharp, courageous, loyal and kind,
During her era somebody like her had been impossible to find.

June 21st – birthday of Judy Holliday, a master of her craft or art.
She is remembered as charismatic lady, feminine, dainty and smart.
Judy Holliday (Judith Tuvim by birth) – intelligent, loyal and sweet,
Who had exhibited resilience, responsibility, vivacity, ambition, wit.

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
