Yellow Acacia

Yellow acacia bush is blooming bright by the road,
Shedding its golden petals under our feet.
Yellow acacia tender and vibrant flowers
In delicate clusters are hanging for us to meet.
But the townspeople flee, not even looking back,
No time to play with the wind in the strands of hair.
Gesturing, speaking, nodding or shaking heads,
Listening to phones through the noise of the thoroughfare.
Many a body are moving along the road,
But their minds ar not here, far away – on the phones.
Eyes do not register anything under the feet
To say nothing about looking up to the sky…
People are in the virtual. They have just finished their work!
They are in a hurry! And they all are so very busy!
People are tired! Oh, yes, they are sick and tired!!
People are in chats and ignore everything around… 
They have become cold, their Consciousness sick.
Yellow Acacia bush is blooming bright by the road…

перевод Наталия Рябова

фото автора

15 мая 2013

Спасибо!Красиво цветёт акация,а особенно жёлтая...великолепно! ........с теплом,Нина

Нина Филипповна Каменцева   17.05.2013 07:12     Заявить о нарушении
цветет, но не пахнет, как наша белая....

Еммилия   17.05.2013 14:38   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 3 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.