You wanted to open the window, perhaps

You wanted to open the window, perhaps,
When thoughts got you stricken with awe and remorse
And on a long journey of wretched mishaps
With bags full of folly you launched perforce.

How came that your eyes glazed over so solid
That hundreds of kids could have skated all over?
What brought on the wreckage of ship that once gloried,
And now keeps on sinking but lower and lower?

What maketh your arms seem a mile away,
Why fall you, a winter's unpitied prey
All down and down, where no one can seize you?

I know, it must be that you saw him unwanted,
When he, of your being but hardly aware,
Past you with his doubtful handsomeness flaunted
And you wished you died right then and right there.

But look at the ebb and the flesh spring had given
To things, and rejoice in its wonderful order.
Behold it and then let yourself be enlivened
And filled with fresh breeze from border to border.

What is it, or are my eyes faltering me? -
A long arrow stuck in your heart strains and snaps!
Now save me the trouble of troubling thee -
You wanted to open the window, perhaps?..
