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And I saw Him in the heavenly grotto
Everything is of one color and of one strength –
the floor and the walls, and His throne – the stone.
In the Gold of the Sun was His head and
It was looking with a lion’s face, and the golden tongues were flowing from it.
He was seated on the throne and illuminated everything with himself.
“God I Am,” – said the voice of the Great solidness.
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И я лицезрел Его в небесном гроте.
Все в цвете и силе одной – и пол и стены, и трон его, камень.
В Золоте Солнца была глава Его и
смотрела она ликом львиным, и исходили с главы языки золота.
Он восседал на троне и освещал собой.
«Бог я», – произнес голос Великой тверди.
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