What is the Youth from Romeo and Julliet

Оригинальный текст:

What is a youth?
Impetuous fire.
What is a maid?
Ice and desire,
The world wags on.

A rose will bloom
It then will fade,
So does a youth,
So does the fairest maid…

Comes a time when one sweet smile
Has its season for a while
Then love`s in love with me.

Some may think only to marry.
Others will tease and tarry,
Mine is the very best parry,
Cupid he rules us all.

Caper the caper; sing me the song,*
Death will come soon to hush us along,
Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall,
Love is a task and it never will pall.
Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall,
Cupid he rules us all.

A rose will bloom
It then will fade,
So does a youth,
So does the fairest maid…

Приблизительный смысловой перевод:

Каков юнец? -
Огня порыв.
А дева что? -
Лёд, страсти взрыв,
Причудлив мир.

Как дивных роз
Завянет цвет,
Не станет грёз -
Юнца и девы больше нет…

Смеха, радости поток
На весьма короткий срок -
Настаёт сезон любви.

Кто-то жениться намерен,
Кто, наигравшись, на берег,
Все Купидону верят,
Что над людьми парит.

Кэйпер беспечный песенку спой,*
Как нас отправит смерть на покой;
Слаще, чем мёд, но и горше, чем желчь,
Сложность задачи любви не учесть -
Слаще, чем мёд, но и горше, чем желчь,
Зла Купидона месть!

Как дивных роз
Завянет цвет,
Не станет грёз -
Юнца и девы больше нет…

Capparis spinosa, the caper bush, also called Flinders rose,
is a perennial winter--deciduous plant that bears rounded,
fleshy leaves and large white to pinkish-white flowers.
The plant is best known for the edible flower buds (capers),
often used as a seasoning, and the fruit (caper berry),
both of which are usually consumed pickled.
Other species of Capparis are also picked along with C.
spinosa for their buds or fruits. Other parts of Capparis
plants are used in the manufacture of medicines and cosmetics.
(From Wikipedia).

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