David O. Selznick

May 10th –David O. Selznick’s birthday.  In 2013 there is 111 years since he was born.

David O. Selznick was one of the most successful film producers
In Hollywood, and of his talents, skills, experience’s mindful user.
David had paid his closed attention to every single nuance, detail.
As a result, it was nearly impossible making mistake or simply fail.
Selznick’s “Gone With The Wind,” “The Third Man” and “Rebecca”
Were giant, profitable productions - fulfilled and paid off mecca.
David was known to be a perfectionist with highest expectations.
He’s prone to be solo decision maker vs in favor of collaboration.
Creative and through executive knew how to outstand, succeed.
In work he did, David was very meticulous, assuming major lead.
He was engaged, determined, willed, opinionated and persistent.
In every aspect of his production he’s disciplined and consistent.
He carefully chose studio environment, directors, actors, storyline.
Selznick maintained control over productions which must be fine.
David established, modeled standards to Hollywood’s classic films.
He was a magnate who efficiently managed multiple roles, realms.
May 10th – birthday of David O. Selznick, Hollywood’s legend, giant.
Who was selective when to be as a compliant producer or defiant.
David contributed to movie industry originating film masterpieces.
He was a prolific genius who had his own expectations or caprices.

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
