Jessica Lange

April 20th – Jessica Lange’s birthday.

A versatile persona, Jessica Lange, is a photographer, actress, producer.
She is a thorough, determined, penetrating performer, woman-seducer.
Lange’s beautiful, passionate, sensual, emotional, charismatic, vivacious.
She is feminine, stylish, alluring, gracious, spontaneous and flirtatious.

Jessica possesses, exhibits, fulfills all of her talents, dreams, aspirations.
She has dynamically risen to stardom, becaming a Hollywood sensation.
Lange is well rounded, skilled, multi-faceted, intuitive, gifted and driven.
She has evoked her potentials and deepest emotions, exuding as striven.

Jessica’s voice, figure, hair, demenour are unique and distinctive to her.
No individual worldwide would dare opposing it or willing not to concur.
Lange can be intense on screen, while displaying emotions to an excess.
Her will, courage, effort, dedication to quality acting have led to success.

Lange is acclaimed not only for fine acting but her humanitarian mission.
She’s served as Goodwill Ambassador for UNISEF with her goal, vision.
In Russia, Democratic Republic of Congo she educates about HIV/AIDS.
Jessica models her values, beliefs, knowledge, strengths and persuades.

April 20th – Jessica Lange’s birthday, we wish you to enjoy your journey.
You are exceptional on screen, wheather as actress, singer or attorney.
With talent praised, individuality admired, each role as a masterpiece,
May life for you be full of love, fun, happiness, health, joy and peace!

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
