Clint Eastwood

May 31st - Clint Eastwood’s birthday.

Clint Eastwood – a reputable film director, actor, composer, producer, politician.
He has ambitiously pursued goals, aspirations, dreams, fulfilling his career mission.
Clint has succeeded, become recognized by public and colleagues, professionals.
He is an American symbol of masculinity, appearing culturally fit, conventional.

Eastwood developed his acting style – emotional, vivid, distinctive, minimalistic.
Whether playing his characters or directing film cast, he conveyed as optimistic.
His popularity first spread for Westerns, then drama, romance, comedy, action.
Clint earned a critical acclaim, public respect, commercial success to satisfaction.

Eastwood is an established pianist, with jazz music to be his preferred or favorite.
In anything he starts, he grows, evolves, masters, innovates, becoming an erudite.
His music spectrum extends from bebop jazz to country, classical, western, blues.
Eastwood has not wasted his talents or skills, able to implement, put them to use.

Clint Eastwood has enourmously contributed to fields of music, film and television.
Being persistent, strong willed, brave, he never compromised his long-term vision.
Eastwood kept challenging himself, although discovering, evoking someting new.
He did not stagnate, was confident in that given opportunities he should pursue.

May 31st - Clint Eastwood’s birthday, we wish sincerely Mr. Versatility our best!
May you continue, Clint, to surprise us, and thus fulfilling your God given quest.
We wish your life be full of joy, health, happiness, harmony, longevity and peace!
You are a diverse, well rounded persona with an individuality you naturally seize.

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
