Irene Dunne

December 20th – Irene Dunne’s birthday.  In 2013 there is 115 years since she was born.

Irene Dunne – a beautiful lady with an exquisite taste, style, nobility.
She was a singer and actress exhibiting skills, expertise, versatility.
Dunne masterfully played piano, sang with a mezzo-soprano voice,
Possessed a dramatic, comic gift conveying it with charm and poise.

Irene manifested courage, strength, determination, will, ambition.
She played her characters with subtle skills execution or rendition.
Dunne had exuded sincerity, trustworthiness, integrity, reliability,
Which earned a status of a person and an actress with credibility.

Ms. Dunne was known, recognized for philanthropic efforts, charity,
Which had contributed to her already exisiting stardom, popularity.
She was actively involved in public, political endeavors or activities.
Dunne looked at everything in life as world of choices, possibilities. 

Irene carried herself in life with vigor, humor, magnetism and grace.
She balanced work and home, able to manage successfully, embrace.
Dunne had never compromised career at the expense of private life.
In both she had fulfilled her aspirations, dreams, able to fully thrive.

December 20th – birthday of Irene Dunne, our source of inspiration.
She’s an example of drive, committment, discipline and motivation.
We are remembering her gifted nature and distinctive individuality 
As well as kindness, heartedness, compassion, love for the humanity.

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
