Я помню чудное мгновенье на английском!

Remember I that wondrous moment.
In front of me were you came on.
You were like a fleeting apparition,
A beauty angel of pure form.

Hopeless life with grimy mood
In noisy bustle worries me
Bewitching voice was gentle
In front of my eyes your pretty has been

Years gone. Storms in my heart
Drove off my dreams
And I forgot your voice, a part
Of beauty angel of my dreams

My days dragged quietly in darkness,
Buried in the backwoods without a muse
No angel, my pure princess,
Without life and love, tears and muse

My dreaming soul began retreating
In front of me were you came on
You were like a fleeting apparition,
A beauty angel of pure form.

My heart beats harder and faster
Because it was revived
My angel and my muse, better
Because life was love and tears
