Эдмунд Спенсер. Видения о суетности мира. Сонет 2
Быка увидел – белого, как снег,
Рога его – серпы луны средь неба, –
Он мирно в луговых цветах прилег.
Хотели те его коснуться век,
Отведаны быть им – легки и здравы;
Но он, пресыщен сладости и нег,
Валялся, тучен, приминая травы,
Не утруждаясь ими величаво.
Вдруг овод шкуру мощную продел,
Ужалив, тварь презреннейшая, право, –
Ни об усладе бык уж не радел,
Ни о величье: малый смог такое, –
Как часто видим мы, – лишить покоя.
Edmund Spenser
In summers day, when Phoebus fairly shone,
I saw a Bull as white as driven snowe,
With gilden horns embowed like the moone,
Up to his eares the verdant grasse did growe,
And the gay floures did offer to be eaten;
But he with fatnes so did overflows,
That he all wallowed in the weedes downe beaten,
Ne car'd with them his daintie lips to sweeten:
Till that a Brize*, a scorned little creature,
Through his faire hide his angrie sting did threaten,
And vext so sore, that all his goodly feature
And all his plenteous pasture nought him pleased:
So by the small the great is oft diseased**.
[* _Brize_, a gadfly.]
[** _Diseased_, deprived of ease.]
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