Dont beleive in Love - 2

                _____   Part 1

The soldiers of love

raised up from
their coffins

 - soldiers ,  -  that really loved  I !

dont throw the coffins
back  - into the garden  !

    made coffin s
from  steal
    ( другой-shit -  не надо ! )

Stop !
   Do not runnin' around

their landin ' could crush
down yr fuckin'  -  цветы

dont runnin' around
about the Baite

pls stop !
here's ondly  -  y & me   

where said - at the
've been waiting

    for  -    me 

black sails
by misi-pisi
down  the river
            the  black-sea

black flags
  trees all're flying'

The black-yellow bees
fallin' from

the monkeys
from trees

Wonderful! Seems there is a mistype in the word BELIEVE.

Алексей Драчёв   17.03.2013 22:45     Заявить о нарушении
Thanks so much dear Alex !
Yours wonderful notice is accepted to improve our work above the mistakes
(хорошо днем лампочки
повыкручивать из холодильника
чтобы - ночью
незаметно жрать ! )

Вальдемар Керенский   17.03.2013 23:00   Заявить о нарушении