We are lost...

What is the time remains before the end of all?
How many Hope will be thrown in feet of Doom?
Where to go and what to believe the rebels
From white - crimson dreams?

How much more blood will be drunk the ground
beneath our feet?
How many still Light will lose our souls?
How many wounds we will cause to Universe Heart?

How much more will be released shots
In Emptiness,
In Silence?

But all is vain!

What is Life?
Death? Love?
What is it?

To whom to give our belief, in whom to trust,
For whom to go?
Our battered souls were tired,
They want rest.

Rest from eternal struggle -
With Light, with Darkness, with ourselves.
Clouds run over the bloodstained earth.

What is Life?
Death? Love?
What is it?

How many still a ringing wind will be to beat our faces?
When the grass will sprout through our hands?
When we`ll return home?

We are lost...

It not Life...
