Sharon Stone

March 10th - Sharon Stone’s birthday.

Sharon V. Stone is a Hollywood celebrity, a living legend in her own right.
A former model’s transformed into an actress and never been out of sight.
Sharon’s performance in Basic Instinct brought her an international acclaim.
Her acting in Casino won her a Golden Globe and gave her worldwide fame.

Sharon is a beautiful, desirable woman exuding charm, magnetic sexuality.
She has possessed a bright, articulate, creative and distinctive personality.
Stone – successful, driven, ambitious, motivated pursuing dreams and goals.
She knows how to invent and reinvent herself communicating her own voice.

Sharon is never boring, while having appeared as funny, lively, affable, witty.
She can be all in one – a woman-vamp or femme fatale, love goddess, sweety.
Stone is a diva that still continues to impress people around, shock or surprise.
She has established stardom status, which she wouldn’t want to compromise.

Stone can be eccentric, controversial, opinionated, yet intelligent and clever.
She is determined in everything she does and is successful in each endeavor.
Sharon has won her stardom status although the hard way, but she did indeed.
Through hard work she has contributed to her high self-esteem and ego feed.

March 10th-birthday of Sharon Stone, wishing you peace, happiness, love, health.
May you continue your journey, innovate, grow and achieve your spiritual wealth.
Your mission as a humanitarian, supporter of people who are in need is priceless.
We all appreciate your talent, courage, kindness, strength and open mindedness.

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
