The wicked witch

The wicked witch worked weeks and weaved the Web
To catch the men and women in a spread
Of wants, desires, wicked love and  lust -
And then to last, and last, and last, and last -

Last so long the Web'd become the dress,
The habit, means of life, road to success,
The only way we would enjoy our life -
Our tongue will not detest the bitter lie.

And then to reign - to be the Only Truth,
None is controlled, but everyone seduced,
No where to find, but everywhere to be -
And slowly corrupt the World of Thee.

Саша, тут кое-где кое-чего не хватает. Мои (в основном, дополнения) в скобках:

The wicked witch worked (for)weeks and weaved the Web
To catch the men and women into (article) spread
Of wants, desires, wicked love and lust
(To) last, and last, and last, and last, and last

And last (for) so long the Web become(s) a dress(,)
The habit, means of life, (article) road to success(,)
The only way for us (to) enjoy the life(.)
Our tongue will not detest the bitter lie

And then to reign (and) be the Only Truth
No one control(s), but everyone seduce(s)
No where to find, but everywhere to be
And slowly corrupt the World of Thee.

Not bad at all!:)

Галина Иззьер   07.03.2013 19:49     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо, я правлю и правлю.


Саша Казаков   07.03.2013 21:24   Заявить о нарушении
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