
(e accent aigu)

What's my nature deep inside? Where has my instinct gone?
Loosing feelings and emotions my heart turns to stone
My conscience's leaving me; I don't know where it flows
In concrete city jungle full of corrupt souls
By erecting the laws above all living thing
We tried to tame the beast and thus fell under sorrow's wing

Let my feet get to the ground
And bring my heart back to life
Let me shout out loud
Shout with joy and shout with rage
Like wild horse wants to run
Like wild bird wants to fly
I want just to get out
Out of this ugly cage

I'm cool-blooded and I'm anesthesing my fears
Switching on the TV that is cheaper than pills
All this noise that persists and makes my mind insane
That in the cyberspace I can not sleep again
I'm indifferent and I have no interests no more
Allied to money I got denatured at all...

Let my feet get to the ground
And bring my heart back to life
Let me shout out loud
Shout with rage and shout with joy
Like wild horse wants to run
Like wild bird wants to fly
I want just to get out
I'm denatured at all...

le 19 mai 2009
(Много где погрешила против грамматики. Надо будет переделать теперь, когда мой английский стал лучше...)

Я без ума от этой песни! Честно говоря, ожидала увидеть перевод на русский, но каково же было моё удивление...

Наталья Сорокина 8   12.03.2015 11:38     Заявить о нарушении