Помогите Сюзи!

Мы все спокойно едим на кухне, телевизор смотрим, на работу ходим, на диване с книжкой и газетой валяемся, ну, и так далее...Мы относительно спокойны за себя( хотя все, как говорится под богом ходим...)И пуля для среднестатистического обывателя , тьфу-тьфу три раза, чтобы не сглазить и не дай тот же бог - шальной только может быть. А вот ОНА ждёт...пока решают, понимаете ли, жить ей или... не жить.

Помогите Сюзи! Это срочно!

 Hi -

 Sweden's wolf population is tiny. But even though just 270 wolves remain in the country's forests, the government continues to allow culls at the behest of ranchers and herders. The wolves' diminishing numbers has put them at serious risk for bad inbreeding that could jeopardize the species survival.

 That's why it was welcome news when two wolves joined packs in Sweden, bringing with them fresh genes. Sadly, the male already fell victim to a cull. Now, citizens, animal-lovers and wildlife activists are asking the government to spare his mate, named Susi. A final decision will be issued this week, so there isn't much time left. Will you join me and sign this petition asking for her life to be spared? Here's the link:
