А Butter Brother, By Graham Denton

Масляный братишка

- Намажь себе! – сказала мать, -
Я очень тороплюсь.
- Что б мне намазать, - стал мечтать,
Мой младший брат Мисюсь.

Мазнул он маслом по щеке,
Потом мазнул на нос,
Размазал чуть на животе,
И чуть на пальцы ног.

Прикол понравился ему –
Он мазать стал везде –
На шею, руки, на спину -
И вымазался весь.

Когда вошла на кухню мать,
Он громко закричал:
- Забыла «где», ты мне сказать,
Намазал всё я,Мам!

- Ах, шалунишка! Знаешь ведь,
Что маслом мажут хлеб!
Отдам собачкам оттереть –
Тогда узнаешь «где»!

А Butter Brother

When Mum was making toast one day
She let my brother spread.
"You can put the butter on yourself,"
She generously said.

Well, he got some underneath his chin
He got some on his nose,
There was butter in his belly button
Butter round his toes.

He spread it quick, he spread it thick,
He coated everywhere,
It was up his arms, and down his legs
It was over all his hair.

He smothered both his hands and knees,
He buttered up his face,
My brother did a thorough job
And covered every space.

Cos like a good boy always should
He did just as Mum said -
He put the butter on himself
Instead of on the bread!
