
If you wanna be my angel,
Promise me you’ll keep my secrets,
As the things that I may tell you
Are surprisingly important!
Take the wings I’ve made of paper
And this chlamys clean and ironed
And the book of psalms and proverbs
It was fun for me to write it.
On this cold and windy morning
I require more protection
And a cure for hangover,
There’s no doubt, will come in handy.
Though I’m being too sarcastic,
It’s so nice to see you smiling.
Have you got a plan of actions
Aimed to lift my sunken spirits?
And to give me inspiration
And to make me less self-conscious?
‘Cause you gotta know, my dear,
I’m too lazy to be bothered…
Would you please confirm intentions    
To become my guardian angel?
For I’m sad to say: for ages
This position has been vacant…

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Рая Галли   06.06.2023 08:31     Заявить о нарушении
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Роман Ким   06.06.2023 12:11   Заявить о нарушении