Spouses quarreled yesterday
Told many hurt sharp hard words.
In a temper didn't understand each other,
At all about vow love forgot, blocked.
Early morning went to work her husband,
And on his heart – bitterness like press.
At night nonsense of quarrel was realized,
Approached and go to his wife to kiss.
She wasnt sleep, but pretended is,
Unscrewed aside the person.
In depth the offense is hid,
As a boa curtailed like a ring.
He closed a door – words at parting,
From a yard at windows looked …
If they know, really if know,
That HE left for ever house.
And wife habitual affairs,
As always, in these was engaged:
Children's alote clothes washed,
Food welded, in the house it was tidied.
The clean floor, washed ware,
And from work husband will come soon.
- I won't talk to him,
Let forgiveness asks, let will understand.
... Pride in heart reared is high:
- The first to him I will not approach!
On roles quarrel was played
In the brain inflamed by a devil.
Six o'clock, seven and a half - the eighth …
The door is motionless, the threshold is silent.
And in alarm something heart aches,
Where to be late so he could?
Suddenly any shout and turmoil,
Someone's voice which is sobbing violently,
And neighbour's little boy
Shouted : «In mine explosion!»
Explosion. Absolutely short word,
Heart as if to pieces tore.
No, she isn't ready to the such!
"He is a live, can, it was lucky.'
And she ran down to street in tears,
Remembering with pain last days,
How was angry and shouted in offences,
Dimmed reason of rage a shadows.
As got a speacking-doll repeated:
- My darling, about if only not you.
I would fall down now to your feet,
Having whispered short "forgive" to you.
If they know yesterday what tomorrow will be,
In a different way everything could be.
Death so suddenly as the thief, comes..
Having left for love to last with no chance.
Will thunder inevitably terribly
Judgment. It not to change.
To correct mistakes too late,
With this pain she should live.
People, to the near and dear be softer,
Belong, treat with tenderness, well,
Also don't offend, otherwise later
It is possible you repent bitterly then!
(автор произведения на русском мне неизвестен)
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Анд ю р мом а факинг хо...
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А мне за стенкою завИдно было
Простому милицейскому парнишке
На ежедневном на посту стоящем
Ведь могут люди четко без акцента
По иностранному так бойко говорить!
А мне как раз по Инглишу экзамен
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