A Symphony In Life

Omraam Aivanhov has so much wisdom in his thoughts that
It is, just, good to share that. Yet, today, felt that as great as admiration before wisdom is, nevertheless, important to keep balance, reflect your own.
So would spend some time doing that too.

 What came to my mind today.
Don’t have musical background but love music, beautiful and meaningful music, so much that each day try to compose something: whatever can materialize.
Music, its creation, teaches me how to relate to life harmoniously and in balance.
It can do the same for you.
Music is harmony and balance; otherwise it’s its imitation a pitiful parody.
In the beginning, tried to include as many notes as possible, believing that is how melodies are composed, but, now, by trial and error, realize – music is about simplicity, order, rules, and, following that. Is not just like the Ten Commandments?
Follow basic concepts of order and harmony and would harmonize your life, eventually, too.
So, as music, is, so is life about simplifying, structuring and not jumping out of certain hierarchy so that harmony is achieved.
Get frustrated when can’t get the right sounds. May not know which ones are right in a particular key, yet, can hear, right away, which ones are wrong.
But music teaches me that getting frustrating and upset would not help me a bit or lead to any positive creation.
Music is indifferent to my frustrations. So is life.
So music teaches me to be patient and humble, realizing my musical limitations but, giving me hope, that, once, I perceive musical rules of harmony, I can create and would create magnificent music. Who stops me accept my own doubts?
So is in life: become humble, lower ego, and, just, concentrate on learning the rules of harmony and applying them in life, in everyday life.
Balance and harmony have become the key concepts to me in music. I hear and witness that they lead to beauty and stability in music.
Look how mush wisdom is in music! Amazing!
So teaches me that, once I apply harmony and balance myself in life, I can arrive to beauty in something I work on and, definitely, stability.
So the main things that music has taught me already before I progress any further is:
Simplicity, patients, order, harmony, stability and humility in work.
Once we apply that in our everyday life, our life would take on those qualities, and that would create a true symphony of life!


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