Песня Господа о Матери Его на английском языке

Song f The Lord Jesus Christ about His Mother

My Mother Is Kindness.
The thin garment of light doesn't conceal the rays of Her Heart.
What have I taken from You, Mother of Mine?
I have taken from You all that You had.

I have taken from You the smell of Your hair.
I have taken from You the color of Your eyes.
I have taken from You the beating of Your Heart.
I have taken from You all that You could give.

I have taken from You life itself which is beautiful.
This gift of Yours to Me was sent to Me by God.
This gift of Yours to Me is grace which has no price.
You are the one whom I admire eternally.

You are the one who has for Me everything.
You are the song which I sing without end.
I am the Happy Son who loves His radiant Mother.               
What have I not yet taken from You, Mother of Mine?

I have taken from You everything, yet the flow of Your favor to Me is unending.
I am the grateful Son of the Mother full of grace.
My Heart warms in the rays of Your most tender Heart.
My Heart dissolves in Your gaze.

You are the Blessed Soil in which grew the Seed fell down from Heaven.
The Sower planted in You the best He had.
And You took that Grain into Your holy bosom.
And It grew in Your moisture warmed by Your warmth.

You sang to It songs of the splendor of morning and evening.
You nourished It with Your milk and with it
I've absorbed all of You and the whole human world. And saved it.
It is You who have saved the world The Most Blessed Mother!

Everything came into being through Me, everything has been saved through Me.
In this salvation You are the Mother of the Savior.               
Fall at Her feet grateful children
and dissolve in Her Kindness!

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