Да, так велит мне вдохновенье... - пер. А. Блока

Yes, in this way an inspiration governs:
My free dream leans against the place,
Where the dirty, dark, humiliation
And poverty as well.
And I do love this awful world,in a whole:
Through it appears to me from other side,
So beautiful and human,so promised,
And so simple in its kind.
And if you don't sow,plough,reap crops,
If you are "simply a man" by your nature,
Then what do you pretend to?What to know?
What dare to judge in that crazy century?
Have you once been so hungry,ill so?
Were you in state of a deep depression?
Have you seen children in Paris in holes?
Have you seen on the winter bridges beggars?
To the impenetrable horror of the life
Open your eyes,open your eyes,
Before the great rainstorm sweeps out
All in your motherland, your country.
And let your proud anger strikes not those,
Who bear the life burden patiently...
Someone may have been evil sowing,
But his yield may be not in vain...
He may be right in that thing, rather,
That he refused the ruddy blushes,
That as a timid mole, from the white light
He dug deep into ground, turned dark,
And all his life felt mere hatred,
Cursing this world and light in a whole,
Without seeing the good future ways,
Saying to all the present days that: "NO!"

sept 1911 - 7 febr 1914
