It was happen in Berdichev - 1941-1944
Authorstranslate (mashinestranslation) from the Russian "Это БЫЛО в Бердичеве - 1941-1944"
( ).
( The 1-st Variant of translation ) .
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1941-1944",( ).
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"ЭТО БЫЛО В БЕРДИЧЕВЕ - 1941-1944", ( ).
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"What is - was and what will happen - it was too." (Ekkliziast).
"History is written, is not appended, appends and rewrite".
Ilya G. Ehrenburg (From a speech at the opening in 1965
at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow,
meeting with French pilots, Heroes of
the Soviet Union, who fought in the
Great Patriotic War against Nazi
occupiers in the Air
Division "Normandy -
"People, I loved you.
Be careful! "
Julius Fucik, "Report from the noose around the neck."
The history of mankind, unfortunately, countless cases of distortion and falsification of the line in the interpretation of historical events and facts, and soon after their achievements, and after long periods of time after complete them. In 2001, the first year of the first millennium NW, at the Summit of Prime Ministers, coming-ing the League of Arab States, the participants took the unprecedented decision of the institutions of a special joint multi-million dollar SRI fund "for financing - as stated in the preamble of this "document", - work on debunking the legend of the Holocaust in Europe ev-reystva during the Second World War and the artificiality of the numbers six million victims of the Holocaust. " The next generation of anti-Semitism - Judeophobia HH1 century, - a thirst eaten laurels gerostra-tum of Fame. They rewrite the history of corticosteroid bloody twentieth century, throwing out her information about the Holocaust - Nazi genocide of the Jewish population of Nazi-occupied West-and Eastern Europe, which claimed the life of more than six million Jewish souls - human-cal shower. In early 2006 year - the sixth year of XX1-century - Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, yavlyayusche Guoxiang, a member of the United Nations, reiterated that the Holocaust - the genocide of European Jewry - is an invention of the Jews, which allowed them to create their own state of Israel and said of its intention to destroy this country, - (which is a full member of the UN) - to wipe Israel off the surface of planet Earth. But this newfound applicant for the final solution was not enough and now the 10 th December 2006 in Iran is going to "conference" to deny the fact of the Holocaust of European Jewry during the Nazi occupation of Europe: there was no de Holocaust, and if and was the number of victims of it - brutally slaughtered six million souls, a figure invented by the Jews in order to achieve the UN mandate for the establishment of a Jewish state in the age-old Arab Palestine, the land which had not been de-Jew-ray part of the state, captured cohorts of the Roman Empire. Holocaust - a great misfortune and the great shame of modern human civilization, utterly- necks *, in fact, the Jewish people, whose ancient culture was the source of most of human civilization. Me from Kiev who survived the war to evacuate from 1941 to 1946 aged from 4 to 10 years old, who saw footage of captured German newsreel documenting the brutal extermination of Jews occupied by Nazi troops at Babi Yar in Kiev, affecting all life, lo, how could it happen that the Germans, citizens of a civilized nation, glorious in their culture and spirituality suddenly turned out to be outright bastard - looters, rapists and thugs, cold-bloodedly killing people - like a homo sapiens, - like cattle. While in Germany in December of 2005 I saw a five TV docu-mental movie "Hitler" and has received response to a question tormented me. - It's very simply. In the year 1933 10-year old boy from a happy family is dressed in a form of attack aircraft and said to him: "All you parents say, everything you say in the church - not for you now no value. Now important to you is that your Fuhrer says ". And in 1941, then a boy, and now 18-year-old Fuhrerssoldier coolly shoots, poisons in the gas vehicles, canoes, or worked in concern" Farben " gas "Cyclone" and adding the corpses in piles, and spraying them with fuel, or gas ovens of Treblinka, Auschwitz, burning thousands of their fellow homo sapiens, which for them is not homo sapiens, as subhuman, t.e.kontingent, intended- chenny Fuhrer for the ruthless destruction. And for the soldier Hitler is only important what he says and intends Fuhrer. to becoming a cold-blooded killer blond beasts of law-abiding adults of citizens, apparently, were the Nazis their other effective ways and actions. It was about what happened to the highly civilized European nation. A in what could turn his people for the same eight years possessed the Fuhrer in the less civilized bath non-European country such as Iran, which stands on the verge of mastering the atomic bomb? And how it can turn to modern human civilization on planet Earth? heralds a fundamentalist pan-Islamism inspire all who profess Islam, that God gave the Jews and Christians after them, and only part of the truth of religious outlook, and the whole truth, he gave the Prophet Muhammad (Mohamemedu .) And because the entire world to Islam Holy Communion should not hesitate to use a holy war - jihad. All the world's population must necessarily be a Muslim. This is not idle fancies, drawn from some dubious sources. - For seven years I, as an engineer in the technical supervision of construction and the head of construction sites, worked side by side and talked with a Muslim workers, Muslim engineers, contractors, Muslim, Muslims, designers and leaders of civil construction works. And from them that I learned about what they teach their spiritual mentors, tutors, not only of fundamentalist persuasion. In Genghis Khan was not a nuclear bomb. Do not have time to get it, and Hitler. To avoid the possibility of recurrence of the tragedy of the Holocaust of European Jewry period of the Second World War - and the tragedy of the same with any other people living on Earth-net plans - none of the six million Holocaust victims, and none of the tragic events Withers, a hundred should not be forgotten.
Among the countless places the brutal destruction of the Nazis and their posbnikami Jews in occupied territories of Europe and the occupied part of the Soviet Union was, and District- Centre of Zhytomyr region of Ukraine - the city of D E F G I H E V, the name of which can compete in popularity with the names of cities such as Paris, London, Berlin, Vienna, Warsaw, Moscow, New York, Tokyo and many others equally famous. Jews of Eastern Europe has long been known as Volhynia Berdichev Jerusalem, and the Poles, the authorities - devshie used to them - like the entire right bank of the Dnieper Ukranoy up - call him Tsarst-tion of the Jews, as this city in the eighteenth century H1H gave shelter to one of the biggest and most known GOVERNMENTAL Jewish communities of Eastern Europe. And by its origin must Berdichev Jews. Admor Rabbi of Worke told his Hasidim that has emerged as Berdichev Jewish month- heat near the village bistro on the spot where the young Count Pashkevich while hunting vkrov beaten to death praying, wrapped in a tallit (prayer yo - ku), - in a forest glade Ashkenazi Jew Lieber. nearly scored before the death of any innocent person, the young Earl of evening the same day at first speechless, and then did was completely paralyzed. Once the best doctors in Poland , including the chief of the royal physician, failed to heal the young Count, his father, Earl Paszkiewicz-old - came to ask for forgiveness from the plague recovered from the ducal house of beating Lieber Ashkenazi and begged him to pray to God for healing her son - the young Count Pashkevich. Reb Lieber Ashkenazy has agreed to do so, provided that the graph is built on the meadow, where the edge was beaten by his son, the synagogue and several houses, which will be able to live homeless Jewish families who fled from persecution and pogroms of the countries of Western Europe. So there was Volyn new Jewish settlement called Berdichevka. Over time, going into the possession of graphs Radziwill, a place that has grown from a Jewish settlement, was called in short - Berdichev. Town is famous for the fact that there lived a famous Rabbi Rabbi Levi Yitzchak-Birdie-Chevskii, student of the famous rabbi named Bal Shem Tov. Over time, the city became the center of Berdichev Jewish community in Volyn. in 1850 in Berdichev, in the church of the monastery of the Discalced Carmelites was the wedding of French writer Honore de Balzac to Evelina Hanska Polish landowner. Berdichev - the birthplace of the family Rubinstein, gave peace brothers Anton and Nikolai founded, respectively, St. Petersburg and the Moscow Conservatory. In the 80s H1H-century Berdichev lived and wrote his works of the famous Jewish writer, sky Sholem Aleichem. Here was born and spent his teenage years Russian Council-sky writer Vasily Grossman. Here lived and worked in the Soviet Jewish writers and M.D.Gartsman A.Ya.Kogan. in the territory of the monastery, buyout berdichevlyane for its thick outer wall, called a wali fortress in 1928 was created by Berdichevsky Historical Memorial Park, in the which have been decorated memorial rooms Balzac, Sholom Aleichem, Shevchenko. Before the October Revolution, a local physician Dr. Sherentsis built theater in Berdichev, which were touring artists and theater groups. On the basis of this building in 1920, was created Berdichevsky City Drama Theatre. In pre-revolutionary years, Jews constituted 80% of the population of Berdichev - city. located in the so-called Pale of Settlement, the territory in which the tsarist regime was allowed to stay smooth Jewish subjects of the Russian crown. Until the mid-thirties in Berdichev continued an active cultural life in Hebrew (the language of idyshe) was a network of Jewish schools, (in including averages), published the newspaper "Der arbater" ("Work"). By the beginning of 1941 in Berdichev, there were 22 schools with 9600 students, 17 health facilities were the major industries and among them mechanical plant "Progress "Berdichevsky tannery, shoe factory, light and food industry. lived in the city while 73,000 people (compared to living in Kiev, while 712,000 people). Before the war began in 1941, Jews accounted for 50% of the population Berdichev - more than 36,000 people. not yet trouble came, these people did not know what a tragic fate it was already criminal- goods Nazis and their leader, - raging Fuhrer, the idol of that time in Germany.
Dreams of world domination, the enslavement of nations around the globe, Hitler and his associates have developed a plan for the gradual destruction of savage peoples of the earth, so that eventually the globe was inhabited by only one German-Aryans. first foot of cannibalistic destruction of the peoples of the Nazis was assigned to the Jews and Gypsies. Then the fate they were to be divided Poles, Ukrainians, and then, for them Russian and so on - in turn - all the nations of the world. Erich Koch, Gauleiter of already being in the occupied Ukraine, said: "I need to be a Pole at a meeting with Ukrainian Ukrainian killed, and, conversely, to kill the Ukrainian Pole. Before that on the way they shoot a Jew, this is just what I need ... Some very naive imagine Germanization. They think that we need Russian, Ukrainians and Poles, which we are forced to speak German, but we do not need either Russian or Ukrainian, or Polish. We're looking for fertile land. " Since the beginning of World War II, the Nazis created in the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) Section for Jewish Affairs, headed by Adolf Eichmann was put. In preparation for an attack on the Soviet Union had developed a special set of measures for the extermination of the occupied territories, especially the Jewish population. In the spring of 1941 formed a RSHA four so-called Einsatzgruppen (opera-tive of the group) who were assigned to groups Army deployed to attack the Soviet Union. Subsequently, when the Nuremberg trial of former head of one of the divisions of the Imperial General Directorate of Security (RSHA) was asked to appoint the four Einsatzgruppen, he replied: "They were ordered to eliminate the Jews and Political Commissars FIR Red Army in the area of military operations on the Russian territory. " In each of these Einsatzgruppen consisted of about 400 thugs, including a 75% Gestapo (Gestapo secret police and state), 25% - of the units of the security services (ziherhayt-Dienst - SD) and the Criminal Police Creeps (Creep - Bureau of Investigation). Einsatzgruppen were divided into aynzattskomandy (operational command), which in their turn, consisted of Sonderkommando (Sonderkommando) and smaller groups, imparted to field divisions. was planned and the creation of the occupied territories of the special police oh- rannyh regiments and units of local people to take part in punitive actions oku- patsionnyh troops. Instructions lowered from Einsatzgruppen RSHA, were very simple: to kill Jews without exception, sparing neither women nor children - "so that they could not grow Avengers" . Destruction of the Jewish population in the occupied territories were instructed to implementation- mented immediately after the occupation, anticipating assassination of robbery victims in favor of Reich. At the initiative of Eichmann in all of the instructions have been made ;;to provide an indication of all Jews to wear badges in the chest as a yellow six-pointed star (Star of David) to They stood out from among the non-Jewish residents. Evrev not nosivshh on the clothing of the mark, were ordered to shoot on location.
Beginning of the war June 22, 1941, the year the Soviet Union stunned the people, like Stalin, but it was not so unexpected. The population is accustomed to training is often done to air concerns and continually to pass the wire radio, wound up in each apartment, such songs as "If tomorrow the war If tomorrow a campaign - be ready to march today," May 1, 1941 , I, then, without 6 months 5-year-old detsadovets, along with his father, worked as a technician telephone in the hotel "Spartak", with facades on the main highway Kiev - Khreshchatyk street, watched from the balcony of the second floor of the hotel ceremony May Day military parade. The parade took Marshal Timoshenko, who led before the holiday held in Ukraine, the Red Army maneuvers. fresh breeze from the Dnieper River tore off his shaved "by Kotovsky" his cap. follow him on horseback parade commander deftly jumped from his horse, picked up his cap and handed it undervalued of the marshal. on the balcony with us was a lot of people and I remember how one of them said: "Bad luck! to war. The air smells of gunpowder ..." . In the early days of the war in Berdichev, as well as all over Ukraine, was held immediately mobilize the Red Army all to be called. A lot of young and elderly, but healthy- physically rovyh people went to the recruitment office without waiting for the summons to go to the front as volunteers. messages on the radio "From the Soviet Information Bureau" testified to the heavy fighting, and the indentation-lenii the Red Army, but they said nothing the approach of the German F- shistskih troops to Berdichev. In the morning the Soviet Information Bureau reported on July 4, 1941, referred to the direction of Lutsk tion, and in the evening bulletin reported fierce fighting at the Rivne and Ternopil directions. Meanwhile, July 4, 1941-year German troops stormed the city Shepetovka and were already far to the east of the old Soviet-Polish border. Official Announcements disoriented citizens. Many have settled in the pre-war times in the head repeatedly rastirazhirovanny official propaganda of the official words of the hero of the civil Marshal Voroshilov war: "War will be on foreign soil! " In the last days of June 1941 in Berdichev began to arrive on carts and on foot refugees from western Ukraine, attached to the USSR in 1940 under the terms of the Covenant, the division of Poland - Ribbentrop Pact -Molotov Pact. Some of them stopped for a few days before, hnut in a city park near the Palace of Pioneers. Among these refugees was dominated by Jewish families, buyout before the Second World War, lived in Poland. These families had fled from Poland to Western Ukraine in September 1939 after Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland. They do not know the stories, which is the Jewish population Nazi occupation. At idysh, broken ruska or Ukrainian, they warned: "Herman - a beast! He did not spare the Jews!" In June, Berdichev was formed the so-called destruction battalions to fight the throw-enemy saboteurs. From the 1st July 1941 was carried out quietly evacuation of families of responsible Party and Soviet workers and court officials, prosecutors, district radio committee and the editorial board of the newspaper "Radyans'ka Way." The city authorities since the beginning of the war in a state of confusion and lethargy. Was not organized evacuation of the city, which were approaching German troops. 3rd July to the east - on Kazatin - the last train had gone and the military echelons. entire city transport organizations with the beginning of the war was requisitioned for the needs of ap- mission. Therefore, those wishing to leave the city had risen in price, or to hire carts (lo- shadey, too, partly requisitioned, as well as transport) or go on foot, ECRP- against with a most necessary. 4th of July 1941, about seven o'clock in the evening Berdichev was subjected to bombardment of a large group of German planes. Half-ton bombs destroyed several buildings. Were killed and wounded. From the city reached out to the east flow of people - on foot and in carts. on July 5, engineers, saboteurs blew up the retreating troops across the river bridge Gnilopyat and residents of the western part of Berdichev could get into the eastern part of the city only by boat. the evening on July 5, German planes again Berdichev was bombed. Again, were destroyed by bear-How many buildings were again killed and wounded. On Sunday the 6th of July the flow of refugees has declined. Almost all of the left foot. By the evening of July 7, left town, presumably, to 10,000 residents, blolshinstvo of whom were Jewish families.
Late in the evening on July 7, German troops entered the Berdichev. all day on July 8th, the city continued to fill the army of invaders. Nazis behaved like careless winners who have committed tiring hike. They shouted from cars entering the city: "Juden kaput!" ("Jews end"). Most of the Jewish residents of the city for various reasons were unable to leave the city. Among those who remained in the city was my grandfather and family of Asher G. EPELFELDA - he stayed in Berdichev with his wife Firoy Markovna Ehrlich, a 16-year old daughter Firoch-Coy, 13-year-old son and elderly mother Naumchik wife - my grandmother Hanoi. Here's how etched in the memory 13-year-old Nahum Epelfelda first encounter with the invaders, Tami: "In the second half of the 7 July 1941 my father took a difficult decision to leave the city. There were five: mother, father, an old grandmother Hana, a 16-lenyaya sister, father and me. We left the house and immediately poured into the dense stream of retreating troops. column was moving very slowly in side of the station. Every now and then created traffic jams: it orudtiyny trac-tor-tractor stall, then it kakya-cart stall, stopping the movement of the column. Only in the evening we dobrel to the station. apron was full of people. Soon poslyshlsya drone aircraft - from the West was an armada of aircraft. All rushed to escape. and we ran. immobile Leka from the station was a maternity hospital, which was a bomb shelter. It is nabi-two hundred elk. We found a free corner and placed on the damp cement floor. DROP hear a top- were explosions. I dozed off while sitting on the floor. I woke up from a strong noise. Somewhere above us, just down the road scribbling machine gun. After a time-bomb shelter in the basement, went in, shining flashlights two. It was a sol-date with a stranger to us by type of weapon. talking among themselves in an unfamiliar language to us, they went to lay on the floor between the people, their faces shining flashlights. They made ;;up a girl and young woman, and brought them out of the basement. girl and a woman came along, bathed in tears, about hour. They crowded around to see that the derivatives went, but they did not say anything and just wept bitterly. Then it turned out that they raped a whole guppies from ten soldiers. She was our neighbor, Tanya Glozman. She was 16 years old. Its occupants shot a few days as a Jew. " Throughout his horde, speaking to the conquest of Europe and the world - from the soldier to the marshal, - Hitler, himself freed from the concept of Moral Conscience and feelings in relation to the sub-human, which was to conquer and enslave, and then sequentially - in-kind for the people - from the Jews and Gypsies, and then uraintsev and Poles - to destroy, to the globe inhabited by a people of Aryan - the Germans. And from the first days of occupation, the Nazis were brought to the people of Berdichev as a violent nicknames , robbers and cold-blooded killer. From the memoirs of an eyewitness, 13-year-old then EPELFELDA Nahum: "The first night we spent in the occupation of the basement. the eighth of July, we were gathered, titsya return home, but did not have time to depart, and a hundred meters, as a heavy artillery shelling of-sky. We rushed back to the shelter ... shelling stopped only 10 of July and we went home for up to neuznavakmosti broken streets, on which the unending stream of tanks to the east, armored personnel carriers, artillery trucks with guns, trucks with soldiers, and on sidewalks swept the vast skoroti riders tommy .. reached home with difficulty. doors in the apartment were torn from their hinges. all upside down. All that was valuable - blown. father somehow fixed the door, but after a while we mustache- lyhali a knock at the locked door of the house. In seconds flat back door was knocked out by heavy blows from the outside. They went three German soldiers. Without a word, and generally not paying attention to us, they have to touch our things, taking away whatever they liked. Then they ordered the father of all neatly packaged and without haste, withdrew. father again, was begun to repair the door, but then again, were the other soldiers, too, and began to plunder. I do not remember how many times a day, this procedure was repeated. Like nothing worthwhile is in the house was left, and the robbers in uniform every time something carried away with him. This permanent robbery did not give us a rest during the day. we were not destined to sleep that night. As soon as we started to fall asleep, how awful picked up a knock at the door on our feet. No sooner had the father ran to the door as it was once again knocked off its hinges and two soldiers with machine guns burst into the apartment and began screaming and kicking kick us out of the house into the yard, packed to the soldiers and equipment - huge three-axle trucks, capo, you were covered with red cloth with a white circle and black swastika in its center (as seen for the identification of the fascist planes). When we went down into the courtyard, there already have been collected and other inhabitants of the house - all Jews , one of the Ukrainians who lived in the house of us were not. total we had 20 people. in the ground they were women and children. His father was the only man among us. In the basement was a bakery. We were all herded into a bakery. We built in a row and a broken-ruska language proclaim it be that we have in the morning to bake a batch of bread. If at four o'clock in the morning the bread will not be used of the liver, then we will all be shot as saboteurs. bakers among us was not, but nobody wanted to be shot. By that date the party was baked bread. Exactly at four o'clock in the bread truck came. After we loaded the car the whole baked bread, we were given one loaf for two and was ordered to get out of the yard on all four sides, as the court and a bakery - a military object, and we are forbidden to live closer than two blocks away. We were not even allowed to go before going to their apartments and take at least a few things. " And yet another episode of these memories: "One day at the street we walked toward his father, not Thorpe, a German soldier. Suddenly he came to his father, patted his pocket, pulled out his wallet with him lying in the Soviet money that took another walk in the bazaar, and put it in his pocket. It he gave us something easy, and even, like, good-naturedly said, and then said goodbye and went their separate ways. " Already in the early days of the occupation of Berdichev special team of Nazi executioners assigned to field units have started pre-planned destruction of the Jewish population of Berdichev. C beginning of the occupation of the Jews of the city was imposed contribution and soon after the Nazis began to destroy stocks. December 20, 1945 in his testimony to investigators mezhdunrodnogotribunala Brigadenfuhrer former SS Erwin Schulz said: "Since the beginning of the Russian campaign until mid-September 1941, I, being in OberfЁ№hrer rank of the SS, headed Aynzattskomandu-5 (Operational command-5) Einsatzgruppen "C" (Task Force "C") of the Security Police. He commanded Einsatzgruppe "C" BrigadefЁ№hrer SS Dr. Rush. In Aynzattskomandy of five security police under my command consisted of 25 Servicemen Security Police and SD (Security Service), 75 Servicemen police enforcement (internal service), 50 Servicemen special recruitment and secondment of the SS units and 50 drivers. Also, I have been assigned to teams of criminal police of the Young Leemana and Huun, under the operational control of the individual who passed podrozdeleniya my Aynzattskoman- dy-5. In the area of Aynzattskomandy-5 when he was in my chain of command it consisted of Brody, Dubnov, Berdichev, Skvira with the surrounding areas. In mid-September 1941 I was recalled from office komandtra Aynzattskoman- dy-5, which took over command of the SS Meyer Obersturmfuhrer of diabetes. One of the reasons my report on the release from the command Aynzattskomandoy-5, I Podanev Gruppenfuehrer SS Shtrekkenbahu were increasingly stricter orders Brigadefuhrer SS Rush with a ruthless wholesale extermination of the Jewish population. Bgigadenfyurer SS Rush, who is personally distinguished by particular zhustokostyu, izadal order obliging command of all our podrozdeleny Einsatzgruppen "C" to take part in a private rassstrelah. Gruppenfiihrer Shtrekkenbah himself explains to me that the goal of all Einsatzgruppen - MURDER. " In 1946 in the hearing of the Military Tribunal of the Ukrainian Military District voenoplenny Scheer defendant admitted that his Task Force ( Sondergruppe) at the beginning of the war, first participated in the executions of the Jewish population of Lviv, and then Berdichev and Tarascha. And only in Berdichev, within two days of July 1941, during the two raids they were shot 860 people, of which he personally shot Scheer 120. group of Jews, captured on the streets near the tannery, was driven home by the Germans in the tanning shop tanning. There they were ordered to first perform some work and then they all dropped in the tank, filled with tart tannic solution. Resisted were shot and their bodies dumped in the same capacity. Artists of this action comic called her to say: tanned skin of Jews. second "mock" share the executioners fired on the river Gnilopyat - in the place where it is above the dam was the most extensive. There the Nazis drove dozens of girls and young women, Jewish women, Jewish women and forced them to swim across the river from the east coast to zapadnomu.Oni promised to give life to those who can swim across the river. Most of the victims drowned, and before reaching the coast, and those who sailed up the west coast, immediately forced to swim back.
Reserves occupants shot 300 Jews, captured in the houses and streets adjacent to
the reserve. Nazis led to a unit of policemen, recruited from the inhabitants of the previously-captured territories GOVERNMENTAL Western Ukraine and Lithuania. Simultaneously with the organization of city administration formed an additional municipal police by dialing policemen from the local Ukrainian population. From the first dny occupation of the Nazis encouraged the anti-Semitic arbitrariness of policemen and hostile attitude of the local population to the citizens-Jews, doomed to across-destruction. From the memoirs of EPELFELDA Nahum: "For the remaining after all the looting money, my father decided, - and they are not yet selected - in the bazaar to buy food. I went with him. the bazaar merchants were few. Buyers - a lot. traded, mainly potatoes. walked through the market and what the Germans , then the people in civilian clothes with white armbands and armed with rifles, Russian trehlineykami. Then we learned that they were policemen, brought by the Germans from the Western Ukraine and Lithuania. near each seller was a priority. We got one of them. before us There were many people and we could watch what was happening around them. It was unusual, but quietly, until something happened in our neighbor to the seller of potatoes. It turned out that in line for potatoes for this seller was a tall middle-aged Jew with a white beard, relying on a powerful, beautifully trimmed with a cane, and when his turn came, the seller refused to sell his potatoes, arguing that the potatoes had been small and not enough on the waiting Ukrainians. old man began to shout and be indignant to the seller. At his cry came up policemen and proceeded to pull out the old man from the queue. old man was soprotvlyatsya. policemen sent out the butts of their rifles. There was approached by two Germans. Without going into what was going on, they started beating policemen, entered an old man. But when the policemen told them that this old man - Jew, something terrible had happened. Germans pushed the old man to the ground and began to izbivt his feet, shod in ext- company soldiers' boots. They have made ;;good the old man into a pile of bones and meat. Sta-Rick was already dead, and they beat and beat it , in that he made. Then they went to a nearby counter, took a rag, carefully Otterlo blood from his boots , and slowly, leave. "
07-09 on August began the mass migration of Jews from their homes Berdichev in the ghetto, under the which was allotted to the poor district of Berdichev Yatki, who was in the Jew- tion of the city between the river Gnilopyat and the city bazaar . At the same time allowed to take with him into the ghetto only the clothes and bed linen. was leaving the apartment immediately Jews were plundered and settled neighbors, non- Jews. In the ghetto, in small houses, huts on the streets Staromestnoy, Murom, Shteynovskoy, Merchants and settled by others for 5-6 families - more than ten people in one room. by 22 August 1941 the entire Jewish population of Berdichev, was located in the city, would be lo-cornered in the ghetto - Ghetto Berdychiv.
From the beginning to the end of August, the occupants systematically carried out executions of Jews captured during the raids conducted outside the ghetto. August 28, 1941, the year the Nazis made ;;the first mass execution of Jews and prisoners of war, fitting them to the Historical and Memorial Park. Details of the massacre said in his testimony voenoplenny airman, noncommissioned Officer Bruno Mancha: "In the summer, in July-August 1941, our air force was in Berdichev, and was stationed at a former military airfield of the Red Army. One rumor has it that the old citadel of Berdichev going to shoot thousands of Jews. I, along with his sergeant pilot shader and several colleagues went to the base in the city, to be sure, can actually be executed people just flow th, that they - the Jews. In the courtyard of the citadel doomed to death people were standing in groups. After recording their names were all taken away in the cellar of the citadel, and then, after a short time brought them back into the courtyard of the citadel. for the main wall of the citadel of local residents had been dug a deep hole. disposed of the Campaign and instructed the officer of the Security Service (SD). Victims summed separately to the pit. At the edge well they were forced to kneel and then shot in the head killed. We all saw it was good, as were near the place of execution in the pit. Since I could not for a long time to look at the carnage, we all left the place for the snake-sa .. . " . Subsequently, the Commission to identify and investigate the atrocities the Nazis excavations in the pilot indicated that the prisoners where the courtyard of the citadel was an- 960 out of human corpses, mostly women, dressed mostly in the boundary- zhdanskuyu clothes. Some of the corpses were in uniform, without remney.Na all the corpses were found gunshot injuries to the occipital region of the skull.
Second mass execution of Jews of Berdichev was committed Nazis on September 5th, 1941 near the blade narrow-gauge railroad in the area between the villages and Bystryk Hazhin. on August 27, 1941, the Nazi punitive expedition brought a large quantity of of the ghetto Jews selected, ostensibly to send hlebouborochnye work. Within a few days before the scheduled executioners did not have enough number of victims, F- Kista kept condemned to death Empty stores and warehouses of urban bazaar. Then they started to export batches in trucks and on foot to overtake the seventh kilo-meter of the highway in the direction of the village and there Hazhin shot. unwitting witnesses of the massacre of the Jews of Berdichev were locals A.SIDORENKO, and V.MOSHKARUK T.FEDOSOVA. Subsequently, in May 1944 in his testimony Berdichev City Commission to investigate the atrocities of the Nazi occupiers in Berdichev, these people said that the 5 th September 1941 to the place of execution at 7-km highway ( in the direction of the village Hazhin) Nazis began to haul in the morning and gather large quantities of any foot-action to the place of execution. Escorted them to the German soldiers and officers. People came to the place of mass execution with objects and values. First, they were forced to surrender their belongings and valuables to one of the German officers. Those who were dressed better, forced to undress. Then these people in groups of 10-15 people chased to the edge of the pit vykopanoy advance and there shot them with machine guns. Young children were thrown into pits Nazis are alive and buried them alive then. Since firing pits were excavated above the nearby ravine from them, then the next morning in the ravine obrazoalos big lake of blood. writer Vasily Grossman in his essay "The Murder of the Jews in Berdichev," wrote that on September 4, 1941, the Germans and traitors, policemen from the local naselneniya proposed 1500 young people from the ghetto to go to the farm work. They were taken first to the seventh kilomktr highway naprvalenii Hazhin village and shot. When investigating evil invaders on this site have been discovered and revealed two huge pit-graves, which were found 10,656 dead bodies of people of all ages, dressed in civilian clothes. Mass shooting of five On September 1941, the Nazis and their accomplices - the local pre-giver-policemen - were seized from the ghetto deception of almost all young people who are able to provide the resistance. In the ghetto, there were only women, infants, elderly people and the elderly.
In almost deserted after the September massacres Berdychiv ghetto for the next shot after the September 15, 1941 days of sneaking their way Jews who fled from neighboring villages, small towns and hamlets, which also produced extermination of the Jewish population of the local policemen, accompanied by the looting of property of victims , izdevatelstvamim and abuse. Here in Berdichev, they hoped to somehow survive. Some of them managed to find refuge and outside the ghetto. However, in the second half of October 1941, the invaders have begun again to round up Jews in the areas of the city outside the ghetto, and involve holding these round-ups of local policemen. renewed atrocities occupiers and their henchmen . In these raids, along with the occupiers and the policemen involved executioners, volunteers from the local population. detained during the raids of the Jews not only killed, subjected to inhuman abuse rasstrelivaya.Ih. Young children smashed head on the pavement, and women cut off his chest. continued and spontaneous robbery and shooting of prisoners of the ghetto. about life in the ghetto after the second mass execution of Jews September 15, 1941 Nahum EPELFELD says this: "Once the house where we lived together with other inmates the ghetto, among whom was Dr. Drum with family and very old dentist Rubanchik, came the German ofitser.On was excited and said something out loud. We all expected that he would do us some dirty trick. Rubanchik,
He was, like, calm down and began to tell her that recently arrived from Kiev.
see he had seen something that greatly influenced him. And then suddenly went to the doctor and the Drum was his whole feel. Then forced him to remove his trousers and asked to bring a knife. We froze. But the officer, not paying attention to Dr. Drum, nor on any other, something in his trousers ripped and pulled out a small bag of them. After that, he cheered up and very kindly said that we are all very lucky because the other in its place there also would have shot us all for illegal possession of property. life every day becoming worse. People are disappearing with their families. One day, returning with his father to work, we did not find any doctor Drum, nor his family nor the doctors Rubanchik. It was not until the 30th of October 1941. "
In late October - early November 1941, the occupiers have prepared and carried out another - the third mass execution of prisoners of the ghetto Berdicheskogo who remained alive after the action of the 15th September 1941, including there were 400 specialists of various professions and their family members selected by the City Council during the previous shares .. bloody night of October 30 surpassed them all in a walled ghetto walls Berdichevsky historical and cultural reserve. There also were driven more and about 3,000 Jews captured during the raids conducted by the occupants in the ghetto and outside the city. In those condemned to death at this time were also EPELFELD G. Asher and his son, Nahum, who this time managed to escape from certain death. Here is the story of Nahum EPELFELDA , the next witness this brutal campaign, the Nazis and their henchmen nonhumans - local policemen: "At night, October 30 all occurred in almost the same as that on the night of September 15. Just as then, in September, we were awakened by indiscriminate shooting. All polls were driven, not allowing to get dressed. Just as September 15th we kick butt pounded into the column, but not driven to the market, and the fortress. We called the old castle cathedral monks karma-lits, which was placed under Soviet rule Historical and Memorial Museum. Germans hardly be seen. All the police were doing. We were herded into a huge deep basement. In the basement of gloom prevailed. From time to time from above by x, the basement was shot, apparently out of concern that not all gathered in the courtyard of the fortress policemen happen to participate in the next mass shooting of Jews rounded up to the castle. There were dead and wounded. Someone is injured trying to help - shout to those who have water or something suitable for ligation, it is transferred to the wounded. Long before the war my father was doing in the basement of the electrical lighting. One day he brought me with him, and asked the employee to show that the basement of the museum and to acquaint him with accommodation facilities. So I knew that there was only one entrance to the basement, but still has some way to find another hole, or out of it. At one point I found a small window near the ceiling, abstracted by barbed wire. Under the window, I saw our neighbor Mary Raf-ilovnu. She was on her knees and she had severe vomiting. She was a pharmacist and povidi-ently took stockpiled in such a case that's poison. I called my father. When he approached, Mary Rafailovna was already dead. And outside the window we will see Delhi Police, hastily taken from the shoulder a rifle, and rushed back. Almost without a break in the basement were driven more and more party people. Shooting from the top to the basement did not stop. It seemed as if there were not above the people, and raging beasts. I kept trying to persuade his father to try to get through that barbed abstracted conduction lokoy window, as desperately wanted to live. But it was not really, because at the top of the courtyard was full of brutal policemen. hope for salvation was not. If September 15 was a selection - one to the right, others left, - that no one is selected and it was clear that we have decided to eliminate all without exception. There was a condition similar to shock. As I learned later, this state have seen a surgeon Pirogov mortally wounded soldier. - They were totally indifferent to the surrounding schemu. And suddenly there came salvation. On top there were cries, there is in the basement Epelfeld. father grabbed my arm and began to make its way to the exit. When we reached the first platform, the policeman ran up to us and started to pull me from my father. My father just grabbed me and did not give. I do not remember how long the struggle lasted, and who stopped by the police. I woke up just at the top. I saw the yard, literally hammered policemen. We were approached tsalmey-ster (something like the head of technical and service staff) Hospital, situated in a city hospital, where his father worked before the war, and where my father and I walked out of the ghetto daily to work. He took us to the hospital and said that henceforth we shall live in the hospital and did not have anywhere to leave. Then he called a soldier and told him to take us and show our home. In the room we found four other Jews - two tailors, a shoemaker, and later led parikmahera.Chut painted carpenter, who managed to escape from death row and column to get to gospitatalya. We took shelter under the room that day was a tailor and a shoemaker's shop. We are fortunate that tsalmeyster was not rabid Nazi, and jealous of his official duties, which included the provision of hospital and electrical repair of clothing and footwear of personnel and patients. In the hospital we were able to stay up as long as the SD (Security Service) is not prohibited to keep the hospital before the Jewish artisans in working hours and must deliver them to the camp, which created the CD on Bald Mountain. ". November 3, 1941 people sognanyh the fort began in batches of 150 dos-nent in the area of the farm Sokulino to advance hand dug wells shootings of prisoners of war, trenches and shot with automatic weapons. shooting headed the SS officer. shot the people supplied to the pits by German soldiers and local Ukrainian police in the head with the then-Metropolitan Police Chief Zelinsky. Many of the victims of this terrible massacre after four months in between life and death, the loss of his closest relatives, brutally murdered, sometimes in front of them, after the brutal beatings, torture and hunger, went to their death, as a deliverance. Rastrelli Before implementing this massacre made ;;people to strip naked. Nagois chased them to the edge of the pit and pushed into it, and then killed by shots from the top machines. On this day, 3-th November 1941 were killed with their families known in Berdichev VURVARG therapists, dentist FORM Regina, and Dr. VURVARG, the former still in pre-revolutionary time country doctor, Dr. Lieberman. Dr. Lieberman did not save the fact that in his youth he was baptized in the Orthodox Church, and that flat in the corners of his rooms were hung icons. Dr. VURVARG in youth graduated from Medical Faculty of the University of Kaiser's Germany and then during the First World War a few years was in a German prisoner of war he was fluent in German. Secretly he hoped that his then- family will be spared the Germans. However, he was killed by the occupiers and their collaborators, policemen on that day with his wife and two daughters. In carrying out this bloody action of the occupiers had once again taken away from sellektsiyu and condemned to be shot ghetto 150 specialists, artisans, they need to perform various repairs. Among the selected experts artisans, the survivors of the 3rd November 1941, again proved to be electro-mechanical Asher G. EPELFELD 13-year-old son of Naum, Michael Moiseevich Pekelis mason, carpenter, dyeing, Shklyar shoemaker, a saddler and Satanovsky other well-known to many artisans in Berdichev.
25th February 1942 Gebietskommissar Berdichevsky County SCHMIDT-ordered disposal of the closure, in which all still hiding from the occupying powers in Berdichev Jews necessarily HN were in a week's time to move into the camp on Bald SD Mountain. This order was so- well said that every Jew, discovered on March 2 and all subsequent days after that date outside the camp CD, will be shot on the spot. After the publication of this order, all left alive after the Rastrelli November 3, 1941 Jewish artisans were gathered in the camp barracks number 1 SD (security service) on Bald Mountain - on the territory of the former barracks of the 14th Cavalry Regiment of the Red Army. Nazi executioners, zealously fulfilled diabolical plan "Final Solution" did not spare anyone - or the elderly, women or children. Five kilometers from Berdichev to Zhytomyr highway in the village was Dmitrovka death- sky orphanage, orphanage. This orphanage invaders seized 70 Jewish children. After that, they first organizovli, and even held a ceremony celebrated their credit- et in Orthodoxy, which was attended by leaders and Gebietskommissar Berdichev- tion of city council. And the next day all of these 70 children were taken to the commandant SD (security service) and shot on Bald Mountain. In May-June 1942, the occupiers again conducted in the villages and towns around a series of raids and Berdichev shootings of Jews who survived the massacres and executions. More than 700 Jewish girls and adolescents are not killed when caught in these roundups have- whether delivered in Berdichev from Yanushpolya (Ivanpolya) Andrushivka, Ruzhino and Kazatin. for r-Their presence in the camp on Bald Mountain. Some of them - had the right prfessiyu occupiers - were attached to the prisoner ba- cancer number one, which contained the craftsmen and other specialists. On July 16, 1942 a dash of the former 14th Cavalry Regiment of the Red Army on Bald Mountain camp guard soldiers and local police were shot out of 700 people captured in raids and brought to Camp SD Jewish girls and adolescents, as well as 230 artisans and other professionals from the barrack number 1. After this shot in the barrack number 1 remained alive for about 60 artisans and specialized lists, without the services of which the occupants and the city government could not do. Death once again surpassed them. again spared death and Asher G. EPELFELDA and his teenage son. Over time, all prisoners of barrack number 1 the Nazis moved to the city jail cell. Executions on Bald Mountain did not stop. H.V.SATANOVSKY Saddler, surviving, like the others, selected to serve the needs of the occupants and the city council, and worked at that time at Camp SD on Bald Mountain, distribution was saying then what he saw there: "The executions were carried out in the camp daily. At the same time firing pits dug themselves prisoners condemned to death and buried them after the shootings, and police were Nazis. In these daily shootings involved ESSELBAH corporal, sergeant and ENRIH caretaker commandant PINTS CD. I have been eyewitnesses to the shooting on Bald Mountain Jews prisoners of war. his victims to the executioners Rastrelli hands tied behind their backs with wire, so they are not able to resist. " in the city jail, as well as in diabetes camp on Bald Mountain humiliation of prisoners and executions were a daily routine. From the memoirs of the period of Nahum EPELFELDA held in jail with his father and other artisans, professionals: "So we ferried into the city jail. We Jews were kept in a separate cell block. Before the war it housed the prison hospital. There were about 150. In one chamber to 70-80 chelovek.Skuchennost such that slept in the queue. Daily toughest. - On the morning of 30 timinutnaya walk in the inner prison yard with a wooden toilet. The courtyard was surrounded by a tall brick wall. At this time the duty to tidy up and emptied chamber pot. After the walk we were herded into the chamber until the next morning. After a walk - breakfast: a cup of boiling water and a piece of ersatz bread made ;;of flour mixed with de-lok, or chaff. Bread were given at the rate of one loaf for 10 people. Does not cut it with a knife, a thread that was less than the crumbs. Then someone turned away to the wall and its srashivali "Vymyn?" (Who?) - And he called the name of who is the next piece of ersatz bread. Crumbs relied Cut. For lunch a bowl of gruel were given - thin soup. Dinner consisted of a cup of boiling water. Throughout our stay in prison almost daily from the camera were taken away to be shot one or two people. They were mostly children and the older of the prisoners. Then once a month and then once every 5-6 days, were shot on 10 - 15 prisoners, mostly patients. For example, the one who hurt his leg and was limping, or cut his finger and bandaged his rag, subject to execution. When we were out of about 150 people were still alive 20 and we were all gathered in one cell, the periodic shooting stopped and changed the mode content. - We have to drive to work in prison workshops. I identified with her ;;father to perform plumbing work in the forge. However, patients and maimed, albeit slightly, still faithfully shot. So he was taken away to be shot right out of the blacksmith forge Yakov Roitman Lyubar from the village as soon as he inadvertently injured during knee and bandaged his rag. " Among the policemen was a prison guard, was distinguished by extreme cruelty, even among the number of traitors lay- . He could not stand beside him nothing alive, whether it failed to be shot-term or just a pit man trapped in his field of view of a sparrow, a cat or dog. At the sight of them, he eagerly took off the shoulder a rifle and then fired. When the policeman entered, or Hitlerite in a cell, the prisoners were in it up and remove the cap. Once in the chamber, in which among others contained EPELFELD G. Asher and his 14-year-old son of Naum, came drunken policeman. teenager, weakened by transferred to the legs, not to shoot as a patient , typhoid fever, rose less quickly, as the policeman wanted. And then bully-boy policeman grabbed the lapels of his jacket and put on the power of standing on the floor of a roasting pan with hot coals, which warmed up the soldering iron G. Asher, left him to fix the SD officer cigarette case . Only when the camera was filled with smoke from a blown pants and the smell of burning boy meat, jacket lapels policeman dismissed and left the chamber with the words: "Next time will poprytche ". One night in their chamber burst into a drunken policeman, and without provocation began beat over the head with a bayonet who was sleeping close to the door of Asher G., saying: "What, you bastard Yid, waiting for the arrival of the Jew and the Jew Roosevelt, Stalin? You will not wait ". But, fortunately, it did not guessed.
13th November 1943, when the Red Army was the first time freed from the invaders Zhitomir, - (then he was again captured by the Nazis and the newly liberated by the Red Army) - some of the prisoners had been stolen in the rear of the German army, and the remaining occupants during the day were shot in the prison yard. Here is what this last day of the conclusion of one of the doomed-if Gitl rovtsami Nahum EPELFELD to death: "On November 13, us As usual, drove to work in the studio. At 10 am the Germans had another sellektsiyu - selected tailors, shoemakers, watchmakers. They were put on carts and guarded by policemen posted at 12 o'clock in the west with the wagon train evacuated property. It was not myself. We realized that we eliminated along with the rest otavshimisya prisoners in jail. to watch three or four days in jail came a detachment of the liquidators - thugs from the SS and SD. They immediately, without wasting time, down to business. service yard at the prison was a long trench dug for the construction of a special furnace, intended-values ;;for burning corpses. This pit of November 13 was deepened and prepared for the mass execution of prisoners. prisoners were taken out of prison cells in groups of 10-15 people and drove to the service yard. There they were led up to the pit and shot. This went on until dark. By nightfall, those who did not have time to shoot was collected and herded into a single cell. The cell doors are not closed in a hurry and we could go into a small hallway that connects to another corridor, from which the output was in the prison courtyard. The door was shut out outside the bar of iron, draped over the pin with eye lock, crafted code, then our blacksmith. None of us dream about and never dreamed of. We all understand that we are doomed and will be tomorrow shot, if we can not find a way to escape from prison. But how? - Floor, ceiling and walls of the chamber and concrete corridors, the camera box - iron bars. Where would we not persecuted, his father always had time to grab a bag with instrumentom.I this time my father was with him a working tool and it hacksaw. It was decided to cut a window grate, but immediately rejected it because of the noise. Then they decided to try to remove the door from its hinges corridor, go out into the Inner Courtyard of prison. I ran to see what is happening in the corridor. Corridor was empty, and then I noticed that the external locking pin comes to the door to our hall, and there it screwed the nut. I immediately told my father about it. He was among the tools wrench. unscrewed the nut, bolt and pushed out the door was opened. We were in the courtyard of the prison. By this time the moon rose. It was as light as day. yard was empty. This courtyard was separated high stone wall with a gate of the farm-tion of the court, surrounded by a barbed wire fence. yard on the roof of the toilet, we saw taken from the door hinges. We used it as a ladder and moved to the service yard. At one point, a fence of barbed wire, we found a hole dug by someone and used it. We were at liberty. " Long day, tired firing squad executioners, who, apparently, were stunned and Ugne-heating spirals news of the accession to the Zhytomyr Red Army units and therefore, until the morning shoot-ing mortal, was not detected. This saved their lives. Among the participants in this udavshegosya escape except Asher G. EPELFELDA and the 16-year-old son of Nahum was a carpenter Painted, shoemaker and mason Shklyar Michael Moses, evich Pekelis. In recent week of November and December 1943 the invaders were carried out raids in the city, to many people as possible to hijack the rear of the retreating German army and the continued execution of most of the people caught in the courtyard of the city jail and camp on Bald Mountain. in prison executions, and personally supervised They participated in the prison, a German officer SIEBERT. During the investigation of the atrocities the Nazi occupiers and their accomplices, local policemen, in Berdichev in the city jail were identified and revealed two pits, which were found about 300 dead bodies burned. In all cadavers bullet had openings in the back of the skull. Great roundup and house searches in the occupants fired on the first day of 1944. All those arrested on that day they sent indiscriminately to the rear - with-away from the nearest front. third January, just before his flight from Berdichev occupants shot all remain lished eschy alive, camp inmates diabetes on Bald Mountain. H.V.SATANOVSKY Saddler, who managed to escape from the barracks the day before, became the unwitting Swee-in details of this bloody campaign. Here he said in May 1944 at a meeting of Berdichev city commission to investigate atrocities of the Nazi occupation: "On the night of the 1st to the 2nd of January 1944 I made ;;my way to the attic of the building abandoned by the Nazis in the courtyard of the commandant SD understanding that this building will not be raided. Knowing Berdichev approached the front line and have a close view of the Red Army liberation of Berdichev, the Nazis sought to quickly deal with the remaining prisoners to live in Camp SD on Bald Mountain. 3 January 1944 , I saw from the attic, where hiding, shooting prisoners in the yard of the camp commandant SD. prisoners were led out into the yard in groups of 5-10 people. First, they bend back and tied his hands, and then chased in advance at once dug in the courtyard of the pit and shot. On this day, the soldiers were shot near the SD of the pit and then buried her in the 120 inmates of the camp. shooting led the chief officer of the SD Commandant SD Knorr. prisoners were shot soldiers with the assistance of DM ESSELBAHA corporal and sergeant ENRIHA. Nazis hastened to complete this action quickly and part of the his victims were buried alive. On the night of 3rd of 4 January 1944, all officers and soldiers of the commandant fled SD from Berdichev. 4 January 1944 in Berdichev entered the Red Army. "
According to given in the book "Narodoubiytsy" - which was published under the editorship of the writer and journalist Ilya Ehrenburg G. - in Berdichev during the German occupation in F shistskoy to July 7, 1941 to January 3, 1944 killed about thirty thousand Jews, and a miracle survived only 10 - 15 Jews. According to the report of the Extraordinary State Commission on rasledovaniyu atrocities the Nazi occupiers and their collaborators during okpktsii Berdichev Nazis, with the participation of local policemen killed 38,536 Soviet citizens. mass shooting September 15, 1941 18,640 Jews in Bedicheve was one of the first shares massoovogo destruction of the Jewish population in Nazi territory okkkupirovannyh-tories of Europe and the USSR. In the same black September 1941 massacres of the Jews, we make invaders, Tami, and their helpers from the local population against the Jews, swept all the cities, villages and villages Ukraine occupied by the Nazis. In his report to the commander of the operational rear area of Army Group "South", dates for fixed-20th September 1941 the first year, - (the 90th day since the invasion to the USSR!) - Head of the 197th Field Commandant said: "Almost all the area of the field commandant NO MORE JEWS. Only in Zhitomir on September 18, there were still 6,000 Jews gathered in the ghetto. In the creation of other ghettos the need has not been ... ... It was found that the Jews of Zhitomir Korostyshev and linked to the guerrillas. In the qualitative response in stve Korostyshev were killed 60 Jews and 19 September Rastrelli Jews carried out also in Zhitomir. " The bloody atrocity German faschistskih nonhumans September 15, 1941, the year in the town of Berdichev was an ominous prelude to the bloody devil Mass., committed by them the sacred to the Jews the Day of Judgment 29 September 1941 in Kyiv - at Babi Yar. For ONE DAY THIS Hitler's thugs and the police were recruited from the dregs of the local population in addition to the policemen, brought the occupants of the Western Ukraine and Lithuania, was shot pre-robbing bandit is, thirty-five thousand Jews, - thirty-five thousand souls. 's autograph Major Hans Koch, cold-hearted killer from the same Einsatzgruppen "C", co- Thoraya committed atrocities at September 15, 1941 in Berdichev, and shortly before Lviv - an excerpt from his secret report prededatelyu Reich Ministry occupied eastern territories after the event "Babi Yar": "... September 29, 1941 on the outskirts of Kiev at Babi Yar on Syrets Sonderkommando 4 a Einsatzgruppen "C" units and regimental policing "South" shot 35,000 Jews. Some young SS clouded mind. They could not stand such a massive use- consumption of people. I had to put them in a psychiatric hospital. Some felt unwell. Were in place to treat them with vodka .... ". only eight years PRMYVANIYA BRAIN Goebbels Nazi propaganda and former zakonoposluzhnye worshiping God and the burghers, GERMAN CULTURAL kichivshiesya his nation, which gave the world Goethe, Schiller, Heine, Beethoven and Kant, enter July 7, 1941 , with a shout- mi "Yuden kaput! "In an unknown town of Berdichev rannshe them and within two and a half years of meticulous, pedantic, and massacred more than thirty thousand people - women, old people, children, and - just for the fact that they - Jews' was only 10 - 15 Jews were able to expr - vatsya from the jaws of Moloch brown. It was in Berdichev. it was in the middle of the twentieth century. Do not ever repeat it anywhere and with anyone! *** Most of the facts given in the essay, taken from brochures historian Stera Yakovlev-vich ELISAVETSKOGO "BERDICHEV Tragedy" (subtitled "documentary books"), issued in an amount of 300 ekzemplyarv Institute of History of Ukraine Academy of Sciences of USSR in 1991 in the publication "History Notebook" (1storichn1 zoshiti Ўн:, 1991 r1k, Ki1v) and from the memories N.A.EPELFELDA "first-person." Ya ELISAVETSKY was born in 1929 in Berdichev, and lived there until July 5, 1941 - until the day when he and his parents had to leave town for two days prior to the occupation by the Nazis. His grandmother, who remained in Berdichev, shared the fate of Jews who perished at the hands of the invaders and their accomplices. NA EPELFELD was born in Berdichev in 1927. Together with his father, mother, grandmother and old- necks sister he had not evacuated from Berdichev and became, along with other Jews who failed to escape, a prisoner of Berdichev ghetto. In the first weeks of occupation by the Nazis, with the participation of supporters of the local population brutally murdered his mother Fira Markovna Ehrlich, his grandmother, Hannah Ehrlich, and sixteen sister Firochku EPELFELD. Nahum Asirovich EPELFELDU and his father, and my grandfather, Asher Grigorevichu EPELFELDU - a self-taught electrical engineering and an inventor - was a miracle to survive the hellish conditions of the ghetto, and then konts.lagerya diabetes and Nazi prisons and make a successful escape from prison along with several other prisoners -Jews. N.A.EPELFELD Berdichev after the liberation by the Red Army finished the Kiev Military-Medical Academy and became a lieutenant of medical service. Serving as an officer, he managed to complete the correspondence of chemical-pharmacological department of Moscow Medical Institute and the Institute, after his military service in the captain, was the head of a pharmacy and a laboratory in a hospital in the Ukraine until the exit after the collapse of the Soviet Co- Hughes in the United States. On behalf of Holocaust survivors whose relatives were killed by the Nazis and their collaborators during the Nazi occupation of Berdichev I I want to conclude the essay, you will strike S.YA.ELISAVETSKOMU N.A.EPELFELDU and gratitude for the fact that they returned the tragic and sad chronicle the Holocaust European Jewry what the silence over official Soviet historiography.
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