
 What has happened to me?
How could I feel so cold?
Just one frozen morning
Made me grey and old.

All around - people,
Laughing, talking, anyway
Keeping heart and creeping
Many miles on highway.

Nasty,dull December,
Crying for November
Willing to deny
All these fake years by.

Mourn is calling me from the past,
Till my tear drops last
Since beginning to the end
Thinking who am I instead.

So, what for and why we can, t deny,
All your love was just mine
All my feelings are just sickness
I am dying  by my weakness.

So cold inside,
No more words hurt my,
Heart and soul are stoned
No more lies and sorrows

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Надежда Глебова 2   08.09.2013 16:12     Заявить о нарушении
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