Nobody knows...

Maybe still is not too late...
And sombody have time to read...
The world is wry and isn't straight,
Nobody knows what for wait.

And if that calendar tell us the truth?
And if that ancient indians were right?
You are afraid, you have so much to lose...
And what if will be eternal night?

You should to think long time ago.
Even not you-but those who were before.
Who killed and lied in the row.
They won't escape in any store.

And temple's look is so angry,
It waits for  blood, for multiple death...
And maybe Maya Indians do not predict an end...
Maybe they wished the world's health?

And now wait for the unknown.
And now noone tells and shows.
Everything already has been shown.
What waits for world nobody knows...

Иллюстрация моя картина " Чичен-Ица"

Алина Котлев   18.11.2023 03:57     Заявить о нарушении