Don t let me log off!


For you, based on your photos and your words:


I have tried
I can no longer
I can no longer deny my feelings for you
I am no good for you
My chance in this world has halfway passed
Yours is just beginning;
In a relationship, the benefit would flow
One way.
So with deathly sadness,
My heart despairs
I must give you up
Your ebony hair, oh God !
Its glory takes me to the ends
of the universe
It is like the darkest, most beautiful night
Filled with soft, intimate contentment,
Like when two fall asleep
After love making
 to exhaustion
I could never tire of its silkiness
Its eternal glow, its intensity of obsidian
My Margarita, shall I go on?
But it is forbidden! You are forbidden
Like the fruit Eve offered Adam
And like Adam, I cannot resist YOU
I would take your fruit, over and over again
Facing all condemnation and punishment
I would take it all
Your beautiful brown eyes
pierce deep into my soul
Golden brown embers
of primal flame, they consume me
They hold the secret to life
All Creation is evident
when your eyes look into mine
Your love, your warmth, overwhelm me
My search for God’s love in the world
Comes, for the moment, to an end
The depth, the beauty, the love of the Creator
Are in you!
And when you look at me,
I have no choice,
but to love you

this is really beautiful words...thanks

Юлия Гайд   11.12.2013 15:29     Заявить о нарушении