After Byron

I’m home. In this castle of silence,
Without any possible violence
That I come across among people and ghosts,
That I live among in this world. These and those

Eyes without any thoughts and shine
Kill me and burn me inside.
I’m closing the door to that enormous world
Of people whose souls are sold.

I hear the shout inside my brain.
The shout of a really incredible pain.
I wonder what person I have become.
And I feel nervously calm.

It’s like a kind of crazy nonsense.
I’m alone and don’t feel any loneliness.
I feel lonely when I’m not alone.
Between me and everyone I see just a wall

Of complete indifference and dead dreams.
I open the window and drop my tears
Onto the warm dry ground –
The only thing that I love around -

The only thing that is loyal and honest.
Thing that takes all the destroyers,
Creators, lovers and non-believers,
Judges, artists, losers and winners.

It’s going to take me when the time comes
With all my pain and all my scars.
And it won’t ask if I’ve been good,
What I have done and what I could.

очень красивое произведение.видно,что автор талантлив
желаю успеха в творчестве)

Дарья Мочульская   02.12.2012 20:48     Заявить о нарушении
Благодарю, Дарья.)

Маргарита Серова   02.12.2012 20:49   Заявить о нарушении