Падает снег. Keyboard-fitness

This  evening
    the snow is easy

as you i know
all comes to end

  my darling
snow all the night is falling
&  touches sometimes my face

all will be whitish
in the dawnin'    !

as if it wants to hide
the black of earth's disgrace

it likes to shine
against the dark

    of lost the heavens

und we'll find
few traces of the mammoths
in our garden

     next morning 

the snow is slowly falling
to our hearts

 This ev-ening
    the snow is easy 

as you i know
all comes to end

    my darling
snow  all through the night
 is falling

  und touch the beauty  -  not
 to bet

  all will be whitish
in the morning   !

 like wants it hide
 the dark disgrace

it likes to shine
against the darkness
        heavens '  lost
     с Тобою  - в кутерьме

  Und  we'll find
few traces of the mammoths
 in our garden
the snow is slowly falling
to our hearts
