

You're walking on the clear sight
And I'm on the gloomy one.
I've understood,what would be right..
Run to the future,dear,run!

Forget the evil from the past,
Betrayers,liars,dweebs and foes
The time is passing really fast.
So there's the one escape I chose.

You must survive,and I must die.
My future - sadness, funeral wreaths,
All wear crapes,all sadly cry..
Cause once they'll hear, "He doesn't breath"..

The only thing I still believe -
That you'll be happy very long,
Sometimes remembering,how we've
Transformed the right into the wrong.

How seen at school in one "A" class
With saying every day "Hello",
How overlieved enormous mass
Of talks,school breaks and lessons,so
I understand what I've done
And need to get what I deserve
But you must know - You're the one
Who gave me all my life reserve
Of power,happiness and love.
Well, now with all good wishes,I
Can go somewhere above.

We'll meet right there,sure,..bye..
