About Prometheus and laws chain

Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein" is subtitled "The Second Prometheus". It is this second title that reveals the content of the novel and its depth; which provides prominence to this intriguing product. The author had to write a book not as a horror, but as an insight into the main mysteries of nature and the creation of Man. The main character is demonstrated in the laboratory, where he experiments with a not well science of electricity.
The novel was published in 1818. It was a time that was marked by the great democratic revolutions in both Europe and America. Those were the years after the Napoleonic era; and accounted for their disappointments and years of high hopes for scientific and technical progress. These were the years of romanticism in art, and years of declaration of freedom and equality at all levels. Previous periods in literature that were referred to as "classic", lived in the unity of speech, knowledge and morality. However, life in the world of "ready words" prevented understanding of the world and the generally shared human nature. It seems that the normal way of life prevents a man from realizing his freedom. However, the gap between existing and culture can only be eliminated with the help of the same lack of freedom.  Words and new books, in which the whole world would come as the new text for dealing with this problem, come from romanticism.  This is a literary genre that is well delineated in the critical literature as "life in the form of a book." (Romantic).
The authenticity of existence lies in its unity and in its origins. Even in the long-standing century conquests of Alexander the Great, one of the greatest philosopher and scientist of all time, Aristotle, detailed specific analysis being found its first causes: matter, energy, form and purpose. Most interesting is that he was able to establish that the only objects of nature have an internal goal to provide the opportunity to exist and evolve. If the purpose is put someone or something as an external force, the goal becomes to actually turn this into the opposite and be directed against those who made it and fight for its implementation. In literature, many of these stories like Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein", tells us that the recovery of corpses is transformed into an instrument of death and, above all, those people who have been near and dear to the inventor. Another example is the remarkable achievement of scientists around the world concerning the fission of atoms of radioactive substances, which has become a weapon of mass destruction. Even the peaceful use of this atom is sometimes out of control and threatens human health. This constantly is over all mankind and hangs as a threat of total self-destruction.
Even during the "Enlightenment" period of philosophical ideas of the infinite possibilities of a man who, through science, can penetrate the mysteries of life and become the master of nature. Man decides to rise to the level of the gods, thus also imitating the gods. Prometheus - from ancient myth, as it is known, gave people fire. As you know, fire has two sources - volcanoes and lightning. Land mass on Earth, is created by volcanoes that spewed different concentrations of minerals. Lightning that fell out of the cloud struck water, creating some of the first chemical compounds, which have given rise to the emergence of life on Earth. The evolution of the living from these early connections to people is need of billions of years. The imagination of the inventor can compress these years in brief moment so it seems.  In every moment during the movement toward the target object or rather the subject or purpose of the initial pursuit there are exists a set of constrained limits. This is exemplified in the field of cybernetics recently. One of these limitations is the hierarchical structure of the universe. This is expressed in levels of being as a “mature” series. The point, "meta", in the series, is a theory which was developed recently by Sergei Grinchenko. In the myth of Hephaestus, who was committed to forging weapons and used the fire of Prometheus while chained to a rock, Prometheus can be seen as business competitor similar to how the will of the Zeus. Where there is thunder there is lightning. Furthermore, God created man, but, did not plan for him to exceed God’s abilities. Therefore, self will becomes self-evident. The fire is the basis of a scientific and technological progress - it is not an internal goal of life. Science is a product of consciousness, and its use is to set goals which can lead to self-destruction. God is not malicious and would forestall damage yet; life is out of control and seeks to create eternal robots based on nanotechnology, which are the most advanced of science and technology.
Thus, the formation of mythology lays a deeper layer of romantic literature. Myths contain the world’s prototypes, in which unity is indivisible being, and consciousness, identity and existence of the word. Romance is a beautiful word. However, in the words of a great teacher of literature, David Reden; “besides the beautiful in art, optimism and ex. patriotism in society, the idea of liberty in politics, Romanticism legitimizes the use of drugs, free sex and other loose morals, supernaturalism and other "freedom"”(Lecture, Notes, 2012-11-19). As a result, the declaration of natural rights and human freedom, not only lead to the desired goals, but also slip further, threatening normal life. It is only natural that in the course of Romanticism, a new restriction, Nihilism” is the way of scientific and technological progress which has risen along with global issues in protecting and preserving the environment. The inventors of new radical ways "use" fire "chained laws." Through this way of "trial and error", humanity is stealthily and carefully advancing. When anyone who tries to invent something extraordinary, people tend to say, "Above All, Do no harm!" (Smith).

Roark, James. The American Promise: A History of the United States. Fourth Edition, Value Edition (Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2009. page 384.
(“Romantic”). World Enciklopedia. Phylosophya. 2002., pages 945/7.
Smith, C.M. (2005). "Origin and Uses of Primum Non Nocere - Above All, Do No Harm!". The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 45 (4): 371–377.
