Layered Chill

Wintered age expectations darkness,
I'm drinking the tears of the numbest rain,
Sun's burnt out the latest day,
Death herself came as a guest

To ghost out the lights
In all the rooms...
For the saddest painting,
It's a monoplay for all,
A one-season show...

Deep in the rest,
Rest in the deep -
Come the chill,
But come no test
Of the Autumnautic body -
Let it die...
Let it die...
Let it die...

And cycling the Earth overdoomed,
Assuming the patches to wear and deny...
With face like the oceans detuned,
That harshly and tenderly floats through the sky...

You'll wrap me up in chill,
In a layered chill...
No scent in the winter,
Just mentally pure...
And crystally cured...
Shadowly played...
Invisibly iced...
Unwarmingly starred...
These tears of the numbest rain...
These tears of the numbest rain...

(Перевод и литературная интерпретация - Сергей Подлепян
* ссылка на песню по стихам - )
