Infernal whore

Blow up my fucken horyzon,
burn down my endless retchin` heaven,
when sorrow growing on and on,
I`ll think I`ll die... however.
My dusk and bliss
Descends on crazy evil fever

In an angel eyes
I saw the miracle of scythe,
Well, executor. welcome through
My graveless door,
Well, I wouldn`t fear you,
You, infernal whore!

In the blackness of the north,
Into grave of pagan forest,
From the cunt of mother-earth,
Wrapped in nigthmare stars,
Praying, fucking and howling

Rustled coffin of my life,
Buried body of my own,
Heaven-given divine rights,
And my love - infernal whore

Roses from the devil`s garden
I`m collecting just for her,
Her, whose eyes are blind and blooded,
And which name - infernal whore

Under marble tombstone,
Under celestial bitches and maggots,
When battle rages on and on
I think, I`ll burn myself forever
